Well I haven't really been reading the last few days. A page here and there, but not much (outside of school). For school I finished quite a bit:
- Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn
- A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway
- The House on Mango Street (excerpt) by Sandra Cisneros
- The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
- Two Kinds by Amy Tan
- A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
- The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe
While this World Literature class has been taking up a bit of my free reading time, I'm glad that I'm taking it. I never really read any of the classics as a kid, and other than a few stories we would read in school I never was exposed to some great authors from history. So while I'm not LOVING every story I'm reading for this class I am enjoying being introduced to the authors that I feel have had a huge hand in shaping literature today.
I have an analytical essay due tonight, then I should be free to get some "pleasure" reading done. I have a whole stack of review books sitting here, plus I've been going crazy on paperbackswap so I have a big pile of those books sitting around to get finished and re-posted.
I'm also going to be away next week. I should be alone for most of the day Wednesday and Thursday then I'm on a 5 hour train ride Thursday night, then alone again Friday during the day and another 11 hour train ride Monday so I think I'll have lots to post when I get back home, if I can get good internet connection I'll post while I'm away :-)
And if you haven't already done so please enter my giveaway for
Girls in Trucks I loved this book, it was great!