My Review:
In Extraordinary John Bevere explains how all people are extraordinary and were created for extraordinary purposes. He gives advice on how to realize and accept your extraordinary purpose.
This book just did not sit well with me. It wasn't that I didn't like the message, actually I think it was a great message: We are all created for an extraordinary life. I also liked that the author used real-life experiences from his life, he wasn't simply retelling stories about other people. Self-help authors that are able to open their own lives up and share their stories with the world get many kudos from me.
Despite that I just couldn't connect with this book. The writing style was to pushy for me. I felt as if reading this one was a chore rather than an enjoyable experience and I felt as if I was being scolded through the whole thing.
The message is great but the presentation didn't work for me.
For more information on Extraordinary or to purchase a copy please visit Random House's website.
For more information about the Author John Bevere please visit his ministry website: Messenger International.