My Review:
I really liked this book. As I learned about Cassandra's past I felt sorry for her. I don't think pity is the emotion this book was trying to elicit but for some reason that was all I could feel. I think some of it was because I related to a few of the things she went through. The guilt she went through with her dog Toby was touching to me because I am a dog lover. The warnings from her cautious and seemingly "cold" mother were similar to those I've gotten (not from my mother) from people in my life. So maybe pity isn't even the right emotion, maybe it was more an understanding of why she felt the way she did.
Either way this was a pretty good book. Cassandra was a very well develop character, I really connected with her. I got a good sense of Cassandra's husband Ken, her best friend Margret, and her mother Betty, but I didn't feel that they were as developed as they could have been.
I did enjoy the book. Trying to figure out the "story" behind the snow globe was intriguing. It was easy for me to just escape into this book, I didn't feel like I was there, but I was pretty engrossed with what was going on. Overall I'd say this was a good read.
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