My thoughts on books I've read, authors I like, and other randomness from the literary world!
Take a look around!
While some of the books I review on my site are furnished by the publishers, authors, or publicists for the purpose of review all of my reviews are truthful, honest, and my sincere opinion.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Finished the first book
Well it took me longer than I wanted, but the impromptu nap and a few miscellaneous things came up. So I'm off to start the next one. A Thousand Splendid Suns
Breif Update
I guess when I curled up with my book I got a little to cozy. I fell asleep.... But I'm on page 80, and now I've got a nap in. I think I should be good for the rest of the day!
Can't believe I fell asleep...
Can't believe I fell asleep...
Starting my read-a-thon
Ok, I'm starting my read-a-thon. My first book is The Dangerous Book for Demon Slyaers by Angie Fox.
Mini Read-a-Thon and a little rant
I've decided that since I have so many books sitting here waiting to be read that I would do a mini read-a-thon today... I've got a few things to do around the house before I disappear into a book, so I'm gonna start at 3 EST... I'll post hourly updates (or try to).
There is something that has been bothering me all day. I posted a review the other day and sent the link to the author to let them know I had posted it. Well the review wasn't a shining review, but I didn't slam the book or anything. So I email the author and got a response that my raiting on B&N didn't seem to fit the review. I thought about it and decided I would change it to add another star, which I did (it shows up on my B&N). Today I got an email that the author removed my review from myspace and that my raiting change wasn't done. Then proceded to tell me I blew the end of the story by posting a spoiler, and basically that I wrote an unprofessional review. I don't really feel that I blew the end of the story and that what I posted wasn't the point of the story and therefore not a spoiler. So I'm a little peeved about it all. I've been emailing all of my reviews to the author/publisher when I have contact information from them. This is the first time anyone has complained about a review I did. I guess I shouldn't be upset about it. As a reviewer I understand that not everyone is going to be happy with my review, just as an author understands that not everyone is going to like their writing.
So I'd like to know how the rest of you in the bloggosphere handle situations like this? Do you just blow it off, or do you try to rectify the situation? Does something like this upset you, or do you not even think twice about it?
There is something that has been bothering me all day. I posted a review the other day and sent the link to the author to let them know I had posted it. Well the review wasn't a shining review, but I didn't slam the book or anything. So I email the author and got a response that my raiting on B&N didn't seem to fit the review. I thought about it and decided I would change it to add another star, which I did (it shows up on my B&N). Today I got an email that the author removed my review from myspace and that my raiting change wasn't done. Then proceded to tell me I blew the end of the story by posting a spoiler, and basically that I wrote an unprofessional review. I don't really feel that I blew the end of the story and that what I posted wasn't the point of the story and therefore not a spoiler. So I'm a little peeved about it all. I've been emailing all of my reviews to the author/publisher when I have contact information from them. This is the first time anyone has complained about a review I did. I guess I shouldn't be upset about it. As a reviewer I understand that not everyone is going to be happy with my review, just as an author understands that not everyone is going to like their writing.
So I'd like to know how the rest of you in the bloggosphere handle situations like this? Do you just blow it off, or do you try to rectify the situation? Does something like this upset you, or do you not even think twice about it?
Review: You Wanna Go to Willard by Linda M. Holbrook
I want to thank Bostick and Linda Holbrook for allowing me to review this one. I really liked it.

My Review
This is a great heartfelt story. I loved Laura, she was so down to earth, and she seemed like a real person to me.
I almost immediately became attached to her. I felt the pain, joy, sorrow, doubt, everything she was going through. There were a few times I was brought to tears. I was angry with people that hurt her. I wanted her to succeed in everything so that she could build her self-confidence.
This was a great story about life in general. Things happen and we have to deal with them and move on. This book reiterated one thing that I always say "Everything happens for a reason, even if we can't see it at the time". I think if I had to summarize the theme of this book, that would be it.
This one took me a little longer than I expected to finish. I don't know why it was a slow read but it was. It was engaging though, and that kept me turning the pages. Overall I would have to say it was touching.
For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy please visit Book Surge.

My Review
This is a great heartfelt story. I loved Laura, she was so down to earth, and she seemed like a real person to me.
I almost immediately became attached to her. I felt the pain, joy, sorrow, doubt, everything she was going through. There were a few times I was brought to tears. I was angry with people that hurt her. I wanted her to succeed in everything so that she could build her self-confidence.
This was a great story about life in general. Things happen and we have to deal with them and move on. This book reiterated one thing that I always say "Everything happens for a reason, even if we can't see it at the time". I think if I had to summarize the theme of this book, that would be it.
This one took me a little longer than I expected to finish. I don't know why it was a slow read but it was. It was engaging though, and that kept me turning the pages. Overall I would have to say it was touching.
For more information on this book, or to purchase a copy please visit Book Surge.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Friday 56!

* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Storytime with Tonya and Friends.
*Post a link along with your post back to Storytime with Tonya and Friends.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Page 56 Line 5: Panic set in along with the fear that goes with the whole "police" thing. He came up to the side of the car and askied if I knew I had gone through a red light. I told him that when I last looked at it, it was yellow and I was in a huge hurry because I had to get flowers for my parent's anniversary and the store was closing and the traffic was horrible.
I'm almost done with this one, I should have my review up later tonight or tomorrow. If you're interested in this book please visit Book Surge to find more information, or to purchase a copy.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Amish Love
Amish Love
What’s all the hubbub about Amish fiction? Major media outlets like Time and ABC Nightline are covering it, and authors like Cindy Woodsmall are making the New York Times bestseller list regularly. What makes these books so interesting?
Check out the recent ABC Nightline piece here about Cindy and her titles When the Heart Cries, When the Morning Comes, and When the Soul Mends. It’s an intriguing look at Amish culture and the time Cindy has spent with Amish friends.
And don’t forget that Cindy’s new book The Hope of Refuge hits store shelves August 11, and is available for preorder now.
What’s all the hubbub about Amish fiction? Major media outlets like Time and ABC Nightline are covering it, and authors like Cindy Woodsmall are making the New York Times bestseller list regularly. What makes these books so interesting?
Check out the recent ABC Nightline piece here about Cindy and her titles When the Heart Cries, When the Morning Comes, and When the Soul Mends. It’s an intriguing look at Amish culture and the time Cindy has spent with Amish friends.
And don’t forget that Cindy’s new book The Hope of Refuge hits store shelves August 11, and is available for preorder now.
Review: The Liberation Diet by Kevin Brown and Annette Presley
Thank you to both authors, and Bostick Communications, for letting me review this book.

Disclaimer: I am in no way certified to give nutrition or diet advice. This review is simply my opinion. Please use your discretion as it applies to this diet. If you are unsure of the diet please seek the advice of a trained professional.
My Review
I've never really been a big dieter so, I've never really read any diet books. This one was a first for me. The Liberation Diet seems like a diet that just about anyone can do. As with any good diet it does require a lifestyle change, but with any weight loss program if you're not willing to alter your lifestyle to get results, you're probably not going to lose weight.
The book starts out with some common myths, and then dispels them. Things such as don't eat saturated fats and eat high amounts of carbohydrates (like bread and fibers). Therse is evidence to back up their ideas as well. The book also talks about how these common diet myths came to be and why, even though they've been proven wrong, the government and those in control want us to continue to believe the myths.
The book does give recipes and a diet plan to follow, but in addition it helps you plan the steps to living a new healthier lifestyle. Things such as cleaning out your cupboards, what to stock up on, and what types of kitchen items you should have on hand. I haven't tried the diet yet, but it does seem like one that could be effective.
I guess as with any diet you have to decide if you think you can stick to it. You also have to decide for yourself if you feel the authors (a nutritionist and a personal trainer) have done their jobs in coming up with a healthy program. I personally feel this could work, but that's just my opinion, you have to come up with your own. But if you think this is the one, this book gives you all the information you need to get started.
For more information about The Liberation Diet, or to purchase this book please visit The Liberation Diet Website.

Disclaimer: I am in no way certified to give nutrition or diet advice. This review is simply my opinion. Please use your discretion as it applies to this diet. If you are unsure of the diet please seek the advice of a trained professional.
My Review
I've never really been a big dieter so, I've never really read any diet books. This one was a first for me. The Liberation Diet seems like a diet that just about anyone can do. As with any good diet it does require a lifestyle change, but with any weight loss program if you're not willing to alter your lifestyle to get results, you're probably not going to lose weight.
The book starts out with some common myths, and then dispels them. Things such as don't eat saturated fats and eat high amounts of carbohydrates (like bread and fibers). Therse is evidence to back up their ideas as well. The book also talks about how these common diet myths came to be and why, even though they've been proven wrong, the government and those in control want us to continue to believe the myths.
The book does give recipes and a diet plan to follow, but in addition it helps you plan the steps to living a new healthier lifestyle. Things such as cleaning out your cupboards, what to stock up on, and what types of kitchen items you should have on hand. I haven't tried the diet yet, but it does seem like one that could be effective.
I guess as with any diet you have to decide if you think you can stick to it. You also have to decide for yourself if you feel the authors (a nutritionist and a personal trainer) have done their jobs in coming up with a healthy program. I personally feel this could work, but that's just my opinion, you have to come up with your own. But if you think this is the one, this book gives you all the information you need to get started.
For more information about The Liberation Diet, or to purchase this book please visit The Liberation Diet Website.
Review: When That Day Comes by Louise Alberto McAtee
I want to thank Louise Alberto McAtee for allowing me to review her book and to Bostick Communications for connecting me with Mrs. McAtee.

My Review:
This short story is about love, life, and death. Rosa, while looking at a picture of her father, begins to reminisce about her life. She shares stories of her childhood and her adult life, all linked to her father. As Rosa remembers her life we see the strong bond that existed between Rosa and her father. Throughout the story we jump to present day and realize that Rosa is getting ready for something, but we're never really told what that something is. The reader is left to make assumptions as to what is going on, but we do know that it circles around the title of "When That Day Comes". What day, it is hard to tell, but it is definitely the end of a part of Rosa's life.
I really liked the premise of this book. It was great to read about how Rosa remembered her life. The story was heart-felt and warming. As Rosa remembers her life we get to see the love that her parents shared, as well as the love Rosa had for her family. Through everything Rosa remembers her father seems to play a big role. It is quite obvious that Rosa and her father share a bond that neither of them have for anyone else.
There were a few problems I had with the book. The point of view seemed to jump from third to first person, and back again without rhyme or reason. Second, some of the memories seemed to be out of place. They weren't really tied to anything else. But on the whole it was a good story, and at the very least it makes you thankful for the memories you have and the people that are, and have been, part of your life.
For more information on When That Day Comes, or to purchase a copy for yourself please visit Outskirts Press

My Review:
This short story is about love, life, and death. Rosa, while looking at a picture of her father, begins to reminisce about her life. She shares stories of her childhood and her adult life, all linked to her father. As Rosa remembers her life we see the strong bond that existed between Rosa and her father. Throughout the story we jump to present day and realize that Rosa is getting ready for something, but we're never really told what that something is. The reader is left to make assumptions as to what is going on, but we do know that it circles around the title of "When That Day Comes". What day, it is hard to tell, but it is definitely the end of a part of Rosa's life.
I really liked the premise of this book. It was great to read about how Rosa remembered her life. The story was heart-felt and warming. As Rosa remembers her life we get to see the love that her parents shared, as well as the love Rosa had for her family. Through everything Rosa remembers her father seems to play a big role. It is quite obvious that Rosa and her father share a bond that neither of them have for anyone else.
There were a few problems I had with the book. The point of view seemed to jump from third to first person, and back again without rhyme or reason. Second, some of the memories seemed to be out of place. They weren't really tied to anything else. But on the whole it was a good story, and at the very least it makes you thankful for the memories you have and the people that are, and have been, part of your life.
For more information on When That Day Comes, or to purchase a copy for yourself please visit Outskirts Press
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Review: The Chameleon Conspiracy by Haggai Carmon
I have to thank Bostick Communications for letting me review this one.

My Review:
Dan Gordon works for the US Government chasing criminals who have committed crimes such as money laundering and embezzlement. When he gets handed a 20-year old case with no new leads he doesn't realize the whirl wind that this case would take him on. He travels the world searching for the Chameleon, or at least searching for clues to find where this man has hidden.
This book was pretty good. Carmon does a great job keeping you reading. I hated when I had to set this one down. It is suspenseful, to say the least. There are lots of twists and turns, and most all of them are completely unexpected (at least I didn't see them coming). The characters are somewhat two-dimensional, with the exception of Dan Gordon, but the plot more than makes up for a small lack in character development.
Overall I'd say I liked this one. It was well written, and the situations seemed plausible to me. It was an interesting look at how a government agent gathers information and uses that information to track the bad guys. I will defiantly be getting my hands of some of Carmon's other works.
For more information on The Chameleon Conspiracy please visit Sleep With One Eye Open

My Review:
Dan Gordon works for the US Government chasing criminals who have committed crimes such as money laundering and embezzlement. When he gets handed a 20-year old case with no new leads he doesn't realize the whirl wind that this case would take him on. He travels the world searching for the Chameleon, or at least searching for clues to find where this man has hidden.
This book was pretty good. Carmon does a great job keeping you reading. I hated when I had to set this one down. It is suspenseful, to say the least. There are lots of twists and turns, and most all of them are completely unexpected (at least I didn't see them coming). The characters are somewhat two-dimensional, with the exception of Dan Gordon, but the plot more than makes up for a small lack in character development.
Overall I'd say I liked this one. It was well written, and the situations seemed plausible to me. It was an interesting look at how a government agent gathers information and uses that information to track the bad guys. I will defiantly be getting my hands of some of Carmon's other works.
For more information on The Chameleon Conspiracy please visit Sleep With One Eye Open
Closed: Giveaway: The Night Gardener by George Pelicanos
I'm hosting yet another giveaway. This time I need to thank Valerie from Hachette Books.

Here's some info on the book:
Pelecanos (Drama City) delivers a dignified, character-driven epic that succeeds as both literary novel and page-turner. In 1985, the body of a 14-year-old girl turns up in a Washington, D.C., park, the latest in a series of murders by a killer the media dub "The Night Gardener." T.C. Cook, the aging detective on the case, works with a quiet, almost monomaniacal, focus. Also involved are two young uniformed cops, Gus Ramone, who's diligent, conscientious and unimpressed by heroics, and Dan "Doc" Holiday, an adrenaline junkie who's decidedly less straight.
Fast forward 20 years. Detective Ramone, now married with kids of his own, investigates the murder of one of his teenage son's friends. The homicide closely resembles the earlier unsolved Night Gardener murders. Holiday, now an alcoholic chauffeur and bodyguard, follows the case on his own and tracks down Cook, long retired but still obsessed with the original murders. While the three work together toward a suspenseful ending, Pelecanos emphasizes the fallacy of "solving" a murder and explores the ripple effects of violent crime on society.
Now for the fun stuff!
I'm giving away 5 copies!
This contest will run until 11:59pm on June 15th, 2009.
To enter please leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner!
Extra Entries:
* Become a follower, just mention it in your comment (if you are already a follower let me know, you get an entry for that too!)
* Post a link to my blog (Leave me the link so I know where to look)
* Mention this giveaway (with link) on another site (again let me know where you mentioned it, preferably with a link!) This can be a blog, myspace, facebook, twitter... Anyplace you'd like.
The not so fun stuff:
Only US and Canada please
No P.O. Boxes
Good Luck to everyone.
Don't forget to enter my giveaways for:
The Girl Who Stopped Swimming
Obama's Blackberry

Here's some info on the book:
Pelecanos (Drama City) delivers a dignified, character-driven epic that succeeds as both literary novel and page-turner. In 1985, the body of a 14-year-old girl turns up in a Washington, D.C., park, the latest in a series of murders by a killer the media dub "The Night Gardener." T.C. Cook, the aging detective on the case, works with a quiet, almost monomaniacal, focus. Also involved are two young uniformed cops, Gus Ramone, who's diligent, conscientious and unimpressed by heroics, and Dan "Doc" Holiday, an adrenaline junkie who's decidedly less straight.
Fast forward 20 years. Detective Ramone, now married with kids of his own, investigates the murder of one of his teenage son's friends. The homicide closely resembles the earlier unsolved Night Gardener murders. Holiday, now an alcoholic chauffeur and bodyguard, follows the case on his own and tracks down Cook, long retired but still obsessed with the original murders. While the three work together toward a suspenseful ending, Pelecanos emphasizes the fallacy of "solving" a murder and explores the ripple effects of violent crime on society.
Now for the fun stuff!
I'm giving away 5 copies!
This contest will run until 11:59pm on June 15th, 2009.
To enter please leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner!
Extra Entries:
* Become a follower, just mention it in your comment (if you are already a follower let me know, you get an entry for that too!)
* Post a link to my blog (Leave me the link so I know where to look)
* Mention this giveaway (with link) on another site (again let me know where you mentioned it, preferably with a link!) This can be a blog, myspace, facebook, twitter... Anyplace you'd like.
The not so fun stuff:
Only US and Canada please
No P.O. Boxes
Good Luck to everyone.
Don't forget to enter my giveaways for:
The Girl Who Stopped Swimming
Obama's Blackberry
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Closed: Giveaway: Obama's Blackberry by Kasper Hauser
Thanks to Anna and Hachette Books for letting me host another of their GREAT giveaways!
This time the selection is Obama's Blackberry by Kasper Hauser!

When Obama stated that if elected, he would keep his Blackberry, debate echoed through Washington and among the ranks of the Secret Service. What would it be like to have a president who could Twitter, send text messages, and navigate the web with ease? What would it be like to receive a text message from inside the Oval Office and, most importantly, what would it say?
Now, for the first time, We The People are privy to our new leader's epistolary back-and-forths on his wily hand-held device. We're about to discover that his emails (and the replies, from his wife and daughters, Biden, Palen, Rush, Hannity, the new first puppy, and even Bush) are so tuned in to the language of electronic correspondence they come hilariously close to the brink of legibility.
This giftable, imagined glimpse into Obama's beloved Blackberry traverses the mundane and momentous contours of the Commander in Chief's life, from security briefings to spam, basketball practice to domestic bliss, and the panic of oops-I-hit-reply-all, to, of course, the trauma of dealing with the First Mother In Law.
To wit:
BidenMyTime: Hey U, whatcha doin?
BARACKO: M rly busy
BidenMyTime: Right :( Can I lv at 4:45?
Can't wait to win it, you can head over to Hachette's website to find out more about this title and to buy it!
Now for the Fun Stuff!
I'm giving away 5 copies!
This contest will run until 11:59pm on June 12th, 2009.
To enter please leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner!
Extra Entries:
* Become a follower, just mention it in your comment (if you are already a follower let me know, you get an entry for that too!)
* Post a link to my blog (Leave me the link so I know where to look)
* Mention this giveaway (with link) on another site (again let me know where you mentioned it, preferably with a link!) This can be a blog, myspace, facebook, twitter... Anyplace you'd like.
If you want, just use this RT on Twitter: Want to win a copy of Obama's Blackberry? Visit to win! Contest runs until June 12th! #justjenniferreading
The not so fun stuff:
Only US and Canada please
No P.O. Boxes
Good Luck to everyone! I know I can't wait to get into this one :-)
This time the selection is Obama's Blackberry by Kasper Hauser!

When Obama stated that if elected, he would keep his Blackberry, debate echoed through Washington and among the ranks of the Secret Service. What would it be like to have a president who could Twitter, send text messages, and navigate the web with ease? What would it be like to receive a text message from inside the Oval Office and, most importantly, what would it say?
Now, for the first time, We The People are privy to our new leader's epistolary back-and-forths on his wily hand-held device. We're about to discover that his emails (and the replies, from his wife and daughters, Biden, Palen, Rush, Hannity, the new first puppy, and even Bush) are so tuned in to the language of electronic correspondence they come hilariously close to the brink of legibility.
This giftable, imagined glimpse into Obama's beloved Blackberry traverses the mundane and momentous contours of the Commander in Chief's life, from security briefings to spam, basketball practice to domestic bliss, and the panic of oops-I-hit-reply-all, to, of course, the trauma of dealing with the First Mother In Law.
To wit:
BidenMyTime: Hey U, whatcha doin?
BARACKO: M rly busy
BidenMyTime: Right :( Can I lv at 4:45?
Can't wait to win it, you can head over to Hachette's website to find out more about this title and to buy it!
Now for the Fun Stuff!
I'm giving away 5 copies!
This contest will run until 11:59pm on June 12th, 2009.
To enter please leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner!
Extra Entries:
* Become a follower, just mention it in your comment (if you are already a follower let me know, you get an entry for that too!)
* Post a link to my blog (Leave me the link so I know where to look)
* Mention this giveaway (with link) on another site (again let me know where you mentioned it, preferably with a link!) This can be a blog, myspace, facebook, twitter... Anyplace you'd like.
If you want, just use this RT on Twitter: Want to win a copy of Obama's Blackberry? Visit to win! Contest runs until June 12th! #justjenniferreading
The not so fun stuff:
Only US and Canada please
No P.O. Boxes
Good Luck to everyone! I know I can't wait to get into this one :-)
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