About the Book
The night Dan Tucker defends his livestock against a wild canine attack, he is put in a 'kill or be killed' battle. Planning to take the head of the wolf-like creature in to be tested for rabies, Dan discovers he has the head of a man instead of an animal. Fearing no one will believe the human head was taken from a wild dog he killed in self-defense, he is forced to cover up the murder. As a werewolf by contamination, Dan's strength and senses are heightened, including his passion for the wild. When his cantankerous neighbor plans a new housing development that threatens the habitat of local wildlife, Dan has no choice but to try and stop construction. But things don't go according to plan, and now Dan has a second body to dispose of. This edgy eco-thriller is fast-paced, full of suspense, and guaranteed to surprise.
You can visit C. Fern Cook's website.
You can also read the two guest blog posts she's done here on JustJenniferReading: post 1 post 2
My Review
This was definitely not a "normal" werewolf story. I don't know if it is my lack of reading werewolf stories, but I don't ever remember reading a werewolf story in which the reader is let into the mind of the werewolf while he/she is in werewolf form. Most of the ones I've read the person is not "conscious" of their actions while they are in wolf form. I really liked that angle in this one. But like I said, don't know if it is my lack of experience with the genre or if it is a new way of writing.
Being an animal lover I really enjoyed Dan's connection with nature and animals. Even in his wolf form he is aware of other animals and is careful of his actions. The pain that was caused to him and his dogs in the beginning of the book is brought back to memory a few times. And while it was sad and difficult to read (I cry while watching ASPCA commercials) it really made me like Dan as the main character. I think without that "link" to him I would have easily been able to find him despicable. Even knowing that it wasn't really him it was the change from becoming a werewolf that made him so rude sometimes, I still could have easily disliked him.
I liked Angela, she reminded me of me. She was a warm and caring person and she was willing to put up with Dan and his behavior because she is in love with him. I'm the same way with people, loyal to a fault at times. While she wasn't a huge focus in this first book I'm hoping that she has a larger part in the rest of the series.
Like I said earlier, I haven't read many paranormal stories so this may be a lack of experience on my part but I thought this was a very different take on the normal paranormal story. It was refreshing to read. And once I got the time to really sit with the book it was a very fast read.
Wild Evolution