About the Book
Is it true that nice guys finish last? It sure seems that way as a divorced man fights his way through a comedic dating scene. Will he ever find his soul mate?
Phil has been called the male version of Carrie Bradshaw. Enjoy his humorous essays about relationships and the struggles we all have finding and keeping lovers. Women appreciate his open view into the minds of men.
Artist Mike Swaim adds to the hilarity with his brilliant sketches, giving another dimension to Phil's quest for love.
You can like Phil on Facebook or follow him on Twitter or take a look at his website.
My Review
As I was loading this into my e-reader and getting ready to read I was thinking to myself "What does go on in the minds of men?" My immediate answer to myself was "sex". After reading this book, what is my new answer "mostly sex". It's an age old problem, women want to know what men think, and men want to get into their pants...
I really enjoyed this book. It was witty, comical, and entertaining. There were quite a few times when I would laugh, then have to read the passage to my boyfriend so he didn't think I was starting to go crazy (why is she sitting there laughing to herself?) Some of my favorites include the commitment tests, Creepy, the conversation with the cats about the obsession with women, and the Twelve Nights of Christmas. (There were more, but if I just list the table of contents you would probably quit reading this review.)
Before reading Phil warned me in an e-mail "PLEASE make sure you have a liberal sense of humor and are not offended by coarse language or sexual content." I would say that was a fair warning. So take head... If you're easily offended you probably will not like this one. I found it to be highly offensive and hilarious. Not that I was offended by it, but I could see how it would offend others. I've found in my life that if I can find the humor in something I should laugh, because without laughter life is so boring. I think this book proves my point.
It was a very fast read, and had I not been so busy I probably could have finished it in two sittings. I think I'll have to pick up some of Phil's other books.
Just a Nice Guy