Hello everyone!
It's been a busy few weeks and I wanted to let you know that I'm set up on my own domain now :-)
Just Jennifer
I'm so excited about the move - I have so many awesome ideas that I want to incorporate with the new blog. The new blog is a combination of Just Jennifer Talking and Just Jennifer Reading. So I hope you'll come over and check it out. I've got TONS of giveaways going on, I'm working on some new product reviews, and I'm starting to do movie reviews too. It's exciting and kind of scary all at the same time.
There's also a new Facebook Page and a new Twitter account associated with the new blog. So if that's how you follow please make sure to follow the new accounts too!
I hope to see you over a Just Jennifer soon.
My thoughts on books I've read, authors I like, and other randomness from the literary world!
Take a look around!
While some of the books I review on my site are furnished by the publishers, authors, or publicists for the purpose of review all of my reviews are truthful, honest, and my sincere opinion.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Review: Jenny Pox by J. L. Bryan
I won a copy of this book from LibraryThing.

About the Book
Eighteen-year-old Jenny Morton has a horrific secret: her touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague, the "Jenny pox." She lives by a single rule: Never touch anyone. A lifetime of avoiding any physical contact with others has made her isolated and painfully lonely in her small rural town.
Then she meets the one boy she can touch. Jenny feels herself falling for Seth...but if she's going to be with him, Jenny must learn to use the deadly pox inside her to confront his ruthless and manipulative girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.
For more information about Jenny Pox please visit J. L. Bryan's website Follow him on Twitter or Like him on Facebook
My Review
I liked the story good enough. It just took me quite a while to get into this one. Once I got about half-way through the story I was attached and it went really fast. But getting to that "I don't want to put this one down" point took a while.
The premise of the story is pretty neat. Jenny has a "Midas Touch" of sorts, only it's in reverse. She's shunned by her father and by her peers. If life isn't hard enough for a teenager already poor Jenny's been dealt the worst hand of all. I really felt so sorry for her. I just wanted her to not be ostracized. All any girl wants is to find that place where she fits in. Jenny knows that she's not normal, but she's learned how to live with the hand life has dealt her. She's just biding her time until she can live out her life without the eyes of the town watching her.
As the story progresses and Jenny finds someone that she can actually touch I really wanted this to be the end to all of Jenny's problems. Ashleigh was such a horrible person and I really wanted to see her get what should have been coming to her. I wished from the first encounters with Ashleigh that Jenny would just have touched her and removed that thorn from her side. Seth seemed to sway back and fourth, sometimes I really wanted to hate him and other times I wanted to hug him. When it's revealed what is causing Seth's mood swings I couldn't wait to see how it was taken care of.
The end of the story was really good. It wasn't a cheesy ending, and it tied things up nicely. I was very happy with it. It was an enjoyable book to read and I connected with the story after a while.

About the Book
Eighteen-year-old Jenny Morton has a horrific secret: her touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague, the "Jenny pox." She lives by a single rule: Never touch anyone. A lifetime of avoiding any physical contact with others has made her isolated and painfully lonely in her small rural town.
Then she meets the one boy she can touch. Jenny feels herself falling for Seth...but if she's going to be with him, Jenny must learn to use the deadly pox inside her to confront his ruthless and manipulative girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.
For more information about Jenny Pox please visit J. L. Bryan's website Follow him on Twitter or Like him on Facebook
My Review
I liked the story good enough. It just took me quite a while to get into this one. Once I got about half-way through the story I was attached and it went really fast. But getting to that "I don't want to put this one down" point took a while.
The premise of the story is pretty neat. Jenny has a "Midas Touch" of sorts, only it's in reverse. She's shunned by her father and by her peers. If life isn't hard enough for a teenager already poor Jenny's been dealt the worst hand of all. I really felt so sorry for her. I just wanted her to not be ostracized. All any girl wants is to find that place where she fits in. Jenny knows that she's not normal, but she's learned how to live with the hand life has dealt her. She's just biding her time until she can live out her life without the eyes of the town watching her.
As the story progresses and Jenny finds someone that she can actually touch I really wanted this to be the end to all of Jenny's problems. Ashleigh was such a horrible person and I really wanted to see her get what should have been coming to her. I wished from the first encounters with Ashleigh that Jenny would just have touched her and removed that thorn from her side. Seth seemed to sway back and fourth, sometimes I really wanted to hate him and other times I wanted to hug him. When it's revealed what is causing Seth's mood swings I couldn't wait to see how it was taken care of.
The end of the story was really good. It wasn't a cheesy ending, and it tied things up nicely. I was very happy with it. It was an enjoyable book to read and I connected with the story after a while.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Review: The Company by Chuck Graham
Thanks to Litfuse for letting me be a part of this book tour. For the full tour schedule please visit the Blog Tour Page.

About the Book
A meteor explodes into the planet. Massive earthquakes rock the land as giant tsunamis engulf the coasts. Sleeping volcanoes violently erupt, filling the sky with clouds of suffocating ash, and soon, the world is shrouded in darkness. Last Day has come, bringing death, destruction, and despair. Yet hidden in a mountain valley, the Brigons manage to survive, but with no power and little food or water, their hope is fading into the eternal night. Then a voice calls out in the darkness and offers to bring them light.
This is the story of Sam Mitchell, an engineer with one of the power managers in Brigos Glen. Seventy years have passed since light was restored to the village. Few remember the time before Last Day or the strangers who helped them in their time of need. But Sam has heard the stories and, with the guidance of his friend, seeks to help others as he goes about his seemingly unimportant, routine existence. That is, until he receives an ominous order from beyond the mountains that will change his life forever.
For centuries mankind has sought God...not simply to find Him, but to understand Him. This quest has left many struggling in a maze of contradictions - one God but a Father, one God but a Son, one God but a Spirit - leading them to the ultimate question: Who is the Trinity? The answer is revealed in The Company by Chuck Graham, a clever allegory, carefully woven with surprising revelation of who God is, who we are before Him, and our calling to love and encourage each other.
For more information about The Company you can visit the book's website, "Like" it on Facebook, Follow Chuck on Twitter, or Follow his videos.
As always this book is available from my Amazon Store.
My Review
The tagline for this book really explains the book to a T "A Parable For Our Times". There were many times throughout reading this that I could relate what the people of Brigos Glen were going through to things that are happening in our world right now. I've known people that are just like the different characters in the book. Everything about this book is rooted to our current day issues.
The story was a pretty good one. It really made me think. There were quite a few Biblical references, and given my new and limited knowledge of the Bible many of them I didn't pick up on. But there is a listing of references in the back of the book, and after reviewing that I understand the references now. I really liked the appendix as had I not had that I likely would have missed their implications. I don't feel that I missed anything from the story not having reviewed them till the end. But after going back and rereading those sections it did give the story a new dimension for me.
I love the way the author uses this story to explain the Trinity. I think that is one part of Christianity that is difficult to grasp for many people. How can one being be three beings? But the way the story unfolds you really do get a sense of how each of these beings operate, and the ultimate connection to how they are all one in the same was a "light bulb" moment for me. This book puts such a complex ideal into a story that makes it so much easier to understand.
I really liked the characters. Sam could have been anyone. I think everyone knows a guy like Sam. He was just kind of "going through the motions". He was compassionate and helpful, but for the most part he just lived his life and did what he had to do to support his family. He was just a regular guy. His friendship with Ellington was an integral part of the story and while Ellington wasn't a greatly developed character I got enough of a sense of who he was that I understood his importance to Sam's journey. The rest of the characters were pretty good, they didn't have huge parts in the story, but the parts they did play were very important. Each one was in the story for a specific purpose and as their purposes were revealed the whole story started to really come together.
The connections to our lives today were easy for me to spot, which made the story that much more understandable. The Brigons are basically grouped into three different kinds of people. To me this was a relation to people's religious beliefs. Without giving too much away there are those that are strict, those that are always looking for something new, and those that are looking to find something better. I've encountered all three of these kinds of people.
The biggest thing with this book for me was how easily I was able to relate to it. The Trinity is something that I admittedly have little knowledge about, and yet I was able to understand it easily. I love that Graham was able to take such an abstract concept and make it a much more concrete concept.
A great book that really brings our current way of life into perspective.

About the Book
A meteor explodes into the planet. Massive earthquakes rock the land as giant tsunamis engulf the coasts. Sleeping volcanoes violently erupt, filling the sky with clouds of suffocating ash, and soon, the world is shrouded in darkness. Last Day has come, bringing death, destruction, and despair. Yet hidden in a mountain valley, the Brigons manage to survive, but with no power and little food or water, their hope is fading into the eternal night. Then a voice calls out in the darkness and offers to bring them light.
This is the story of Sam Mitchell, an engineer with one of the power managers in Brigos Glen. Seventy years have passed since light was restored to the village. Few remember the time before Last Day or the strangers who helped them in their time of need. But Sam has heard the stories and, with the guidance of his friend, seeks to help others as he goes about his seemingly unimportant, routine existence. That is, until he receives an ominous order from beyond the mountains that will change his life forever.
For centuries mankind has sought God...not simply to find Him, but to understand Him. This quest has left many struggling in a maze of contradictions - one God but a Father, one God but a Son, one God but a Spirit - leading them to the ultimate question: Who is the Trinity? The answer is revealed in The Company by Chuck Graham, a clever allegory, carefully woven with surprising revelation of who God is, who we are before Him, and our calling to love and encourage each other.
For more information about The Company you can visit the book's website, "Like" it on Facebook, Follow Chuck on Twitter, or Follow his videos.
As always this book is available from my Amazon Store.
My Review
The tagline for this book really explains the book to a T "A Parable For Our Times". There were many times throughout reading this that I could relate what the people of Brigos Glen were going through to things that are happening in our world right now. I've known people that are just like the different characters in the book. Everything about this book is rooted to our current day issues.
The story was a pretty good one. It really made me think. There were quite a few Biblical references, and given my new and limited knowledge of the Bible many of them I didn't pick up on. But there is a listing of references in the back of the book, and after reviewing that I understand the references now. I really liked the appendix as had I not had that I likely would have missed their implications. I don't feel that I missed anything from the story not having reviewed them till the end. But after going back and rereading those sections it did give the story a new dimension for me.
I love the way the author uses this story to explain the Trinity. I think that is one part of Christianity that is difficult to grasp for many people. How can one being be three beings? But the way the story unfolds you really do get a sense of how each of these beings operate, and the ultimate connection to how they are all one in the same was a "light bulb" moment for me. This book puts such a complex ideal into a story that makes it so much easier to understand.
I really liked the characters. Sam could have been anyone. I think everyone knows a guy like Sam. He was just kind of "going through the motions". He was compassionate and helpful, but for the most part he just lived his life and did what he had to do to support his family. He was just a regular guy. His friendship with Ellington was an integral part of the story and while Ellington wasn't a greatly developed character I got enough of a sense of who he was that I understood his importance to Sam's journey. The rest of the characters were pretty good, they didn't have huge parts in the story, but the parts they did play were very important. Each one was in the story for a specific purpose and as their purposes were revealed the whole story started to really come together.
The connections to our lives today were easy for me to spot, which made the story that much more understandable. The Brigons are basically grouped into three different kinds of people. To me this was a relation to people's religious beliefs. Without giving too much away there are those that are strict, those that are always looking for something new, and those that are looking to find something better. I've encountered all three of these kinds of people.
The biggest thing with this book for me was how easily I was able to relate to it. The Trinity is something that I admittedly have little knowledge about, and yet I was able to understand it easily. I love that Graham was able to take such an abstract concept and make it a much more concrete concept.
A great book that really brings our current way of life into perspective.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Review: The Goblin Market by Jennifer Hudock
I won a copy of this book from LibraryThing.

About the Book
Meredith Drexler has been the sole caretaker for her young sister Christina ever since their father went away. Sacrificing her life and her freedom to ensure Christina has a better life, Merry’s only escape from the monotony of every day life is her daydreams. When Christina arrives home late one evening speaking in delirious riddles, Meredith discovers her sister has been poisoned by Goblin fruit obtained in the Goblin Market.
She must travel to the heart of the Goblin Kingdom to retrieve the antidote to save her sister’s life, but at a price no sister should ever have to pay. Along the way, Meredith falls in love with the forest god who names himself her consort, and discovers a strange truth about her past and her identity.
For more information about The Goblin Market you can visit Jennifer Hudock's website or follow her on Twitter.
My Review
I really liked this book. I couldn't put it down, it just drew me in right from the beginning. It reminded me of the movie Labyrinth - which is one of my favorite movies. I pictured Meredith as Sarah, and of course David Bowie was in there too. And while parts of the book are similar to the movie there is enough of a difference that it wasn't just a rewrite of Labyrinth.
Meredith seems to have been given a TON of responsibility that she might not have been ready for. She's the guardian to her sister Christina. The loss of her parents made Meredith grow up long before she should have. But Christina has always had someone there to care for her. Meredith seems to resent this fact to a point, but being that Christina is in her care she's determined to do whatever it takes to make sure she's ok.
The imagery Hudock uses is amazing. The pictures that I painted in my mind were beautiful and fully detailed. What I liked the most is that each new area Meredith enters into is vastly different from the last, and yet each is described wonderfully. While my imagination was allowed to fill in some of the scenery there was so much description that I had such an amazing picture.
The story is full of suspense. Every obstacle Meredith encounters makes you wonder if she's going to be able to fulfill her mission. The characters she meets to help or hinder her add to the story so much. As each new character was encountered I wondered what "side" they were going to take.
It really was a wonderfully written story and kept me intrigued right up till the end!

About the Book
Meredith Drexler has been the sole caretaker for her young sister Christina ever since their father went away. Sacrificing her life and her freedom to ensure Christina has a better life, Merry’s only escape from the monotony of every day life is her daydreams. When Christina arrives home late one evening speaking in delirious riddles, Meredith discovers her sister has been poisoned by Goblin fruit obtained in the Goblin Market.
She must travel to the heart of the Goblin Kingdom to retrieve the antidote to save her sister’s life, but at a price no sister should ever have to pay. Along the way, Meredith falls in love with the forest god who names himself her consort, and discovers a strange truth about her past and her identity.
For more information about The Goblin Market you can visit Jennifer Hudock's website or follow her on Twitter.
My Review
I really liked this book. I couldn't put it down, it just drew me in right from the beginning. It reminded me of the movie Labyrinth - which is one of my favorite movies. I pictured Meredith as Sarah, and of course David Bowie was in there too. And while parts of the book are similar to the movie there is enough of a difference that it wasn't just a rewrite of Labyrinth.
Meredith seems to have been given a TON of responsibility that she might not have been ready for. She's the guardian to her sister Christina. The loss of her parents made Meredith grow up long before she should have. But Christina has always had someone there to care for her. Meredith seems to resent this fact to a point, but being that Christina is in her care she's determined to do whatever it takes to make sure she's ok.
The imagery Hudock uses is amazing. The pictures that I painted in my mind were beautiful and fully detailed. What I liked the most is that each new area Meredith enters into is vastly different from the last, and yet each is described wonderfully. While my imagination was allowed to fill in some of the scenery there was so much description that I had such an amazing picture.
The story is full of suspense. Every obstacle Meredith encounters makes you wonder if she's going to be able to fulfill her mission. The characters she meets to help or hinder her add to the story so much. As each new character was encountered I wondered what "side" they were going to take.
It really was a wonderfully written story and kept me intrigued right up till the end!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Review: Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
My Aunt gave me this one to read. She gave me a huge box of books and this one jumped out at me first!

About the Book
An angry rebel, John dropped out of school and enlisted in the Army, not knowing what else to do with his life--until he meets the girl of his dreams, Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the woman who captured his heart. But 9/11 changes everything. John feels it is his duty to re-enlist. And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else. "Dear John," the letter read...and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true love--and face the hardest decision of his life.
For more information about Dear John please visit Nicholas Sparks' website, "Like" him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy of Dear John from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I find it hard to review this one. I liked the book, and I cried while reading. So there was an emotional attachment, but it just wasn't an unforgettable book for me. It was kind of like fodder - just there to pass the time. I hate to say that about it, because I did enjoy it. I just missed something with this one. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I didn't have a disconnect because it didn't follow the movie or vice versa. Maybe as time passes I'll be able to figure it out. But on with the review...
I really liked Savannah. John was an ok character but I just got the "dumb jock" sterotype stuck in my head and couldn't get past that with him. I don't know they the jock thing stuck, since he was in the Army, but that's what stuck. Even when he was being a sweetheart I didn't see it as being realistic. Savannah was so caring and had such a big heart, but she also knew she had to take care of her heart and wouldn't let herself get hurt. I could see her falling in love with John, but I also could see that it would be short lived. They were two different people and he didn't really suit her.
I would have liked to have had more about John's father, as I think he was the "sweetheart" influence on John. Maybe if he'd been a little bit more developed and a bigger part of the story then I wouldn't have had the negative view of John and his ability to be a anything but cool hearted. Through the whole book I just felt like John's emotions were a bit distant, I know he didn't want to "show" his emotions but everyone has emotions whether they like it or not. So I would have liked to see more of John's dad and John's emotions.
I was also kind of disappointed at the end. There was a big build up and no real resolution. I am going to watch the movie. I've heard it's pretty different from the book and that it's one of the few movies that is better than the book.
I will read more of Sparks' novels because I do like a good love story. Other's of his that I've read were really good. So I think maybe this one was just a fluke!

About the Book
An angry rebel, John dropped out of school and enlisted in the Army, not knowing what else to do with his life--until he meets the girl of his dreams, Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the woman who captured his heart. But 9/11 changes everything. John feels it is his duty to re-enlist. And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else. "Dear John," the letter read...and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true love--and face the hardest decision of his life.
For more information about Dear John please visit Nicholas Sparks' website, "Like" him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy of Dear John from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I find it hard to review this one. I liked the book, and I cried while reading. So there was an emotional attachment, but it just wasn't an unforgettable book for me. It was kind of like fodder - just there to pass the time. I hate to say that about it, because I did enjoy it. I just missed something with this one. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I didn't have a disconnect because it didn't follow the movie or vice versa. Maybe as time passes I'll be able to figure it out. But on with the review...
I really liked Savannah. John was an ok character but I just got the "dumb jock" sterotype stuck in my head and couldn't get past that with him. I don't know they the jock thing stuck, since he was in the Army, but that's what stuck. Even when he was being a sweetheart I didn't see it as being realistic. Savannah was so caring and had such a big heart, but she also knew she had to take care of her heart and wouldn't let herself get hurt. I could see her falling in love with John, but I also could see that it would be short lived. They were two different people and he didn't really suit her.
I would have liked to have had more about John's father, as I think he was the "sweetheart" influence on John. Maybe if he'd been a little bit more developed and a bigger part of the story then I wouldn't have had the negative view of John and his ability to be a anything but cool hearted. Through the whole book I just felt like John's emotions were a bit distant, I know he didn't want to "show" his emotions but everyone has emotions whether they like it or not. So I would have liked to see more of John's dad and John's emotions.
I was also kind of disappointed at the end. There was a big build up and no real resolution. I am going to watch the movie. I've heard it's pretty different from the book and that it's one of the few movies that is better than the book.
I will read more of Sparks' novels because I do like a good love story. Other's of his that I've read were really good. So I think maybe this one was just a fluke!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Review: The Sara Chronicles: Book 4: Chaos, Confusion, and Changing of the Guard by L. Hughes
Thanks to Reader Spoils and the author L. Hughes for letting me review this one.
About the Book
Life Will Never Be the Same in the Land of the Keepers...
As the nefarious Braccus consolidates his armies of evil, the forces of good are in disarray. Unity among the safeguarding Keepers and the ones they are sworn to protect is elusive, and each of the critical groups of three is struggling to find each other-and stay alive. That's just the way Braccus likes it. With unparalleled strategic skill, he's managed to make evil the dominant power in the worlds. Bizarre races of the horrifying creatures he controls are wreaking havoc on the innocent villagers, killing them for sport or turning them into Braccus's slaves. Good has been relegated to the shadows. What's more, change is afoot among the Keepers and their students that could directly impact the livelihood of everyone in the worlds-change the Keepers are powerless to prevent. Meanwhile, Sara, James and Thomas are facing their greatest challenges yet. For one of them, it will mean actually merging with the evil scourge; for another, a hideous prophecy foretells certain doom. But all of them must race against time if there's any hope for saving the innocents of the worlds from Braccus's eternal rule. Can they accomplish their tasks before it is too late? Offering plenty of the excitement and intrigue for which the series is known, this fourth entry in The Sara Chronicles won't disappoint.
Check out my reviews for Book 2 and Book 3 of this series.
For more information about the Sara Chronicles please visit L. Hughes' website.
As always you can purchase a copy of The Sara Chronicles Book 4: Chaos, Confusion, and Changing of the Guard from my Amazon Store.
My Review
When I first started this series I didn't realize how drawn to these characters I would become. I started at Book 2 when Sara, Thomas, and James are searching for the other groups of three children who will help put and end to Braccus' evil. I was kind of so-so with Book 2. Book 3 I was so attached to the characters already that it was like picking up with some old friends. By the time I started Book 4 I couldn't wait to figure out what was going to happen next. I don't normally read series. I might pick one up along the way, but I very rarely read more than one in a series. So it was kind of weird for me to follow these characters for so long. But because I've been following them I'm so drawn to them. I hope there's going to be a Book 5 because I can't imagine that my Journey with Sara and the Keepers is over!
I really liked this one. I was ready for the battles to begin right from the word go. I love the ways that the keepers and the children all use their powers. It's so different. When they are faced with an enemy the way they use their powers to overcome is interesting. Hughes thinks of new things for each battle - so it's not just the same thing over and over again. And the fact that all the children are getting more powerful means that they are discovering new abilities that they didn't know they had.
While Sara is still the main focus of Book 4 the other children play such a vital role in this book. The second group of three is sent to look for the third group of three and they have to make it through the worlds by themselves. This really allowed the other characters to develop more. I like that there are new characters added with each book, and that each of these new characters is a piece of the overall puzzle. I'm sure that without the addition of the new characters the books would still be good. But adding these new characters and watching them blossom into their new powers really added to the story.
There's so much going on in Book 4 that there wasn't really any "down" time. The book would switch from one group to the next and each time the group that we're following is at a major point of their journey. It makes for a great page turner!
In this book the use of portals to move between Iam's worlds is a more prevalent factor in how the battles and challenges turn out. While the portals were introduced in the earlier books they really come into play in this book. Every time they find a portal and move through it I was so eager to find out what kind of world Hughes was going to throw me into. Her ability to create so many different worlds and to describe them so that they all seem so real is amazing. I envy her imagination. To be able to create all these different worlds, all these different creatures, and be able to come up with new ways for the characters to use their powers is fantastic.
I have to say that as I've progressed through these three books I've noticed a progression in how Hughes writes. The specifics of her writing are the same and she's telling the same story, but something has changed slightly in the writing with each new book. I can't put a finger on it, but there has been a slight change.

About the Book
Life Will Never Be the Same in the Land of the Keepers...
As the nefarious Braccus consolidates his armies of evil, the forces of good are in disarray. Unity among the safeguarding Keepers and the ones they are sworn to protect is elusive, and each of the critical groups of three is struggling to find each other-and stay alive. That's just the way Braccus likes it. With unparalleled strategic skill, he's managed to make evil the dominant power in the worlds. Bizarre races of the horrifying creatures he controls are wreaking havoc on the innocent villagers, killing them for sport or turning them into Braccus's slaves. Good has been relegated to the shadows. What's more, change is afoot among the Keepers and their students that could directly impact the livelihood of everyone in the worlds-change the Keepers are powerless to prevent. Meanwhile, Sara, James and Thomas are facing their greatest challenges yet. For one of them, it will mean actually merging with the evil scourge; for another, a hideous prophecy foretells certain doom. But all of them must race against time if there's any hope for saving the innocents of the worlds from Braccus's eternal rule. Can they accomplish their tasks before it is too late? Offering plenty of the excitement and intrigue for which the series is known, this fourth entry in The Sara Chronicles won't disappoint.
Check out my reviews for Book 2 and Book 3 of this series.
For more information about the Sara Chronicles please visit L. Hughes' website.
As always you can purchase a copy of The Sara Chronicles Book 4: Chaos, Confusion, and Changing of the Guard from my Amazon Store.
My Review
When I first started this series I didn't realize how drawn to these characters I would become. I started at Book 2 when Sara, Thomas, and James are searching for the other groups of three children who will help put and end to Braccus' evil. I was kind of so-so with Book 2. Book 3 I was so attached to the characters already that it was like picking up with some old friends. By the time I started Book 4 I couldn't wait to figure out what was going to happen next. I don't normally read series. I might pick one up along the way, but I very rarely read more than one in a series. So it was kind of weird for me to follow these characters for so long. But because I've been following them I'm so drawn to them. I hope there's going to be a Book 5 because I can't imagine that my Journey with Sara and the Keepers is over!
I really liked this one. I was ready for the battles to begin right from the word go. I love the ways that the keepers and the children all use their powers. It's so different. When they are faced with an enemy the way they use their powers to overcome is interesting. Hughes thinks of new things for each battle - so it's not just the same thing over and over again. And the fact that all the children are getting more powerful means that they are discovering new abilities that they didn't know they had.
While Sara is still the main focus of Book 4 the other children play such a vital role in this book. The second group of three is sent to look for the third group of three and they have to make it through the worlds by themselves. This really allowed the other characters to develop more. I like that there are new characters added with each book, and that each of these new characters is a piece of the overall puzzle. I'm sure that without the addition of the new characters the books would still be good. But adding these new characters and watching them blossom into their new powers really added to the story.
There's so much going on in Book 4 that there wasn't really any "down" time. The book would switch from one group to the next and each time the group that we're following is at a major point of their journey. It makes for a great page turner!
In this book the use of portals to move between Iam's worlds is a more prevalent factor in how the battles and challenges turn out. While the portals were introduced in the earlier books they really come into play in this book. Every time they find a portal and move through it I was so eager to find out what kind of world Hughes was going to throw me into. Her ability to create so many different worlds and to describe them so that they all seem so real is amazing. I envy her imagination. To be able to create all these different worlds, all these different creatures, and be able to come up with new ways for the characters to use their powers is fantastic.
I have to say that as I've progressed through these three books I've noticed a progression in how Hughes writes. The specifics of her writing are the same and she's telling the same story, but something has changed slightly in the writing with each new book. I can't put a finger on it, but there has been a slight change.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Review: Moonlight in Odessa by Janet Skeslien Charles
I won a copy of this book on a giveaway from Library Thing.

About the Book
In Odessa, Ukraine, Daria, a whip-smart engineer, spends her days underemployed as a secretary—a job she was lucky to get in this rotten economy. She spends her evenings moonlighting as an interpreter at an agency that matches lonely American men with beautiful-but-broke Ukrainian women. She spends her nights wondering if there is more. When an American client offers marriage and a one-way ticket out of poverty, Daria jumps at the chance. She soon learns there's a reason that her husband couldn't find a wife in America, and that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the world. The perfect book for anyone who's ever been stuck in a dead-end job or relationship, Moonlight in Odessa is an exploration of language, culture, and the difficult choices we make in the pursuit of love and stability.
For more information about Moonlight in Odessa you can visit Janet Skeslien Charles' website or follow her on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy of Moonlight in Odessa from my Amazon Store.
My Review
This one took a little while to get going. Setting up the story took quite a bit. But once the story got going I really did enjoy it. There's a lot of personality points that need to be made about Daria. I think had the story just jumped in it wouldn't have been nearly as good. I felt like the building was very necessary to the rest of the story.
I like Daria and her Boba. Daria's a very strong woman. She knows how to get what she wants in her beautiful city of Odessa. The means she takes don't always seem to make sense, but it's mentioned a few times that that's how it's done with Odesseans. In Odessa Daria is well-past the appropriate age to marry, but she's not "normal" and has put her life before the life everyone else expects her to lead. Her main focus is her Boba and making sure that she can take care of Boba, her grandmother, the way Boba has taken care of her. There's a very strong bond between the two of them.
When Daria & Boba's dreams finally come true, and Daria's approached by an American willing to move her to America with him she seems a bit torn. It's what she always wanted and yet she doesn't want to desert her Boba. But Boba pushes her out the door and Daria's on her way to America. The story is pretty good till this point, but once Daria reaches America is when the emotional ties really pulled me into this one.
Janet Skeslien Charles has a great ability to explain people so that you feel as if you know them personally. I felt as if I've known Daria, Boba, and the whole lot of characters all my life. I understood how they think and was able to predict how they'd act as easily as I can my own family. It was amazing to be that drawn into a book.
While this was a good piece of fiction I think the story is more of a look at how people interact, how cultures can clash and mesh, and how people can persevere even if they aren't given what they thought they were getting. It's about struggle, and the fact that we always have a way out.
I would have given this one 5 stars but it did take a while to really get into the story. While I see the need for the build up of the back ground on the characters it was a bit daunting. By the time the book started to get good I'd almost given up on it. Although I'm glad I didn't!

About the Book
In Odessa, Ukraine, Daria, a whip-smart engineer, spends her days underemployed as a secretary—a job she was lucky to get in this rotten economy. She spends her evenings moonlighting as an interpreter at an agency that matches lonely American men with beautiful-but-broke Ukrainian women. She spends her nights wondering if there is more. When an American client offers marriage and a one-way ticket out of poverty, Daria jumps at the chance. She soon learns there's a reason that her husband couldn't find a wife in America, and that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the world. The perfect book for anyone who's ever been stuck in a dead-end job or relationship, Moonlight in Odessa is an exploration of language, culture, and the difficult choices we make in the pursuit of love and stability.
For more information about Moonlight in Odessa you can visit Janet Skeslien Charles' website or follow her on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy of Moonlight in Odessa from my Amazon Store.
My Review
This one took a little while to get going. Setting up the story took quite a bit. But once the story got going I really did enjoy it. There's a lot of personality points that need to be made about Daria. I think had the story just jumped in it wouldn't have been nearly as good. I felt like the building was very necessary to the rest of the story.
I like Daria and her Boba. Daria's a very strong woman. She knows how to get what she wants in her beautiful city of Odessa. The means she takes don't always seem to make sense, but it's mentioned a few times that that's how it's done with Odesseans. In Odessa Daria is well-past the appropriate age to marry, but she's not "normal" and has put her life before the life everyone else expects her to lead. Her main focus is her Boba and making sure that she can take care of Boba, her grandmother, the way Boba has taken care of her. There's a very strong bond between the two of them.
When Daria & Boba's dreams finally come true, and Daria's approached by an American willing to move her to America with him she seems a bit torn. It's what she always wanted and yet she doesn't want to desert her Boba. But Boba pushes her out the door and Daria's on her way to America. The story is pretty good till this point, but once Daria reaches America is when the emotional ties really pulled me into this one.
Janet Skeslien Charles has a great ability to explain people so that you feel as if you know them personally. I felt as if I've known Daria, Boba, and the whole lot of characters all my life. I understood how they think and was able to predict how they'd act as easily as I can my own family. It was amazing to be that drawn into a book.
While this was a good piece of fiction I think the story is more of a look at how people interact, how cultures can clash and mesh, and how people can persevere even if they aren't given what they thought they were getting. It's about struggle, and the fact that we always have a way out.
I would have given this one 5 stars but it did take a while to really get into the story. While I see the need for the build up of the back ground on the characters it was a bit daunting. By the time the book started to get good I'd almost given up on it. Although I'm glad I didn't!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Review: The Shack by William P. Young
I'm not sure where I got this one from, but some how it has shown up in my book collection.

About the Book
Mackenzie Allen Philips' youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later in the midst of his Great Sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend. Against his better judgment he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change Mack's world forever.
In a world where religion seems to grow increasingly irrelevant The Shack wrestles with the timeless question, "Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?" The answers Mack gets will astound you and perhaps transform you as much as it did him. You'll want everyone you know to read this book!
For more information about The Shack you can visit William P. Young's website, "Like" him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy of The Shack from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I have given this book 5 stars - but if I could I would give it 100! It was truly an amazing book! It was a look at religion in a way that I've never experienced before. It didn't necessarily change my views on religion, as some of the "points" that are made are in line with my beliefs, but it did put into words things I've been struggling to.
The story starts with Mackenzie's daughter being kidnapped. As Mackenzie tries to deal with it and "move on" as he thinks the rest of his family has done he is delivered a note, and given his desire to find out what happened to his daughter he takes off to discover a new clue. I feel bad for Mackenzie. He feels guilty for allowing his daughter to be kidnapped, has all but lost the rest of his family in his desire to find out what happened, and his faith in anything is gone. As he is on his journey for his daughter he comes across three people who try to help him restore his faith. It's so emotional - I cried almost through the entire book!
It's not an easy read by any means. At the very least it will make you think. It could very well go against everything you believe. The trials that Mackenzie has to go through to get what he's searching for are so amazing. They really put things into a perspective that I've never even thought about before.
I want to tell you about my favorite scene of the book. I don't normally do this, but this book was so great that I can't not share it. I'd love to just tell you about everything, but you should read it for yourself1 At one point in the story Makenzie is taken to a dark cave and he's asked to judge people. He's reluctant to do it, and the wisdom that is gifted to him really made me think. It's such a powerful scene - and the reward that Mackenzie gets from "learning" this lesson is so great that just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes and gives me goose bumps.
There are a few things in the book that I am surprised didn't cause a huge stir. I felt that the book kind of defies the "normal" view of how a person should experience religion. But I think it's a must-read!

About the Book
Mackenzie Allen Philips' youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later in the midst of his Great Sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend. Against his better judgment he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change Mack's world forever.
In a world where religion seems to grow increasingly irrelevant The Shack wrestles with the timeless question, "Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?" The answers Mack gets will astound you and perhaps transform you as much as it did him. You'll want everyone you know to read this book!
For more information about The Shack you can visit William P. Young's website, "Like" him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy of The Shack from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I have given this book 5 stars - but if I could I would give it 100! It was truly an amazing book! It was a look at religion in a way that I've never experienced before. It didn't necessarily change my views on religion, as some of the "points" that are made are in line with my beliefs, but it did put into words things I've been struggling to.
The story starts with Mackenzie's daughter being kidnapped. As Mackenzie tries to deal with it and "move on" as he thinks the rest of his family has done he is delivered a note, and given his desire to find out what happened to his daughter he takes off to discover a new clue. I feel bad for Mackenzie. He feels guilty for allowing his daughter to be kidnapped, has all but lost the rest of his family in his desire to find out what happened, and his faith in anything is gone. As he is on his journey for his daughter he comes across three people who try to help him restore his faith. It's so emotional - I cried almost through the entire book!
It's not an easy read by any means. At the very least it will make you think. It could very well go against everything you believe. The trials that Mackenzie has to go through to get what he's searching for are so amazing. They really put things into a perspective that I've never even thought about before.
I want to tell you about my favorite scene of the book. I don't normally do this, but this book was so great that I can't not share it. I'd love to just tell you about everything, but you should read it for yourself1 At one point in the story Makenzie is taken to a dark cave and he's asked to judge people. He's reluctant to do it, and the wisdom that is gifted to him really made me think. It's such a powerful scene - and the reward that Mackenzie gets from "learning" this lesson is so great that just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes and gives me goose bumps.
There are a few things in the book that I am surprised didn't cause a huge stir. I felt that the book kind of defies the "normal" view of how a person should experience religion. But I think it's a must-read!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Review: Not This Time by Vicki Hinze
Thanks to Blogging for Books for letting me review this one! If you could do me a favor and visit my review on the Blogging for Books site and vote for me I would appreciate it!

About the Book
Small town scandal. International terrorist attack. Who among them is the traitor?
Sara and Beth have built a multi-million dollar business together, but their once solid friendship is now strained. Beth is leery of Sara’s husband, and when he is kidnapped, authorities consider Beth their prime suspect.
Then, their small town of Seagrove Village is rocked by an act of terrorism, and Beth doesn’t know who to trust. Someone she knows is linked to the attack, but who? Is there a connection to Crossroads Crisis Center? In the midst of the confusion and fear, Beth finds herself attracted to a man from her past. She knows she shouldn’t fall in love with him, but she can’t resist or even explain their bond. As her world unravels around her, she wonders, is it possible to be beyond redemption?
For more information about Not This Time you can visit Vicki Hinze's website, or "Like" her on Facebook.
Purchase a copy of Not This Time from my Amazon store.
My Review
I loved this book. There was so much going on that the story just flew by. There was drama, suspense, mystery, romance, it had so much too it.
The characters were pretty good. Sara reminded me of myself a bit. She was so loyal to her friend Beth that she would have done anything to protect her. She didn't have the best idea, but she was doing what she thought she had to do to keep those around her safe. I wish she reminded me of myself because she was rich - but we can all dream right? Beth was also loyal, but seemed to have a much stronger support group around her. She was able to deal with things, but also checked with her friends to get their advice on what she should do. The two seemed to have the kind of friendship that everyone wants. Even with Beth's doubts about Sara's husband Beth is able to keep their friendship strong without pushing Sara away by voicing her displeasure with Sara's husband. I don't know that I would have been able to keep my mouth shut that long, but somehow Beth does it. She lets her need to be Sara's friend over ride her despise for Robert.
The story is the second in a series, and I didn't get to read the first one. However, this was so well written that all of the back story was filled in and I didn't feel like the author was just throwing information at me. Everything had a reason, and as the need for a particular fact arose Hinze wove it into the story beautifully. I still would like to read the fist one, but I don't feel like I was "missing" anything from the first book.
It's a pretty quick read. The mystery of Nina and who in the small circle of characters is part of Nina was exciting to try and figure out. Just when you think you've got it all figured out there's another clue that kind of throws everything off. It doesn't take a complete turn, but it give the story a bit of a jog. Just enough to keep it exciting without being frustrating! There's a few things that I didn't see coming but they were by no means so far out of the park that they didn't fit the story. I was masterfully put together!
My favorite thing about this book is that although there was quite a bit going on it wasn't a confusing story. I didn't have to re-read any of it and it didn't take much to keep myself on track. I was able to keep up with everything - which can sometimes be a problem in a book that has so much going on!

About the Book
Small town scandal. International terrorist attack. Who among them is the traitor?
Sara and Beth have built a multi-million dollar business together, but their once solid friendship is now strained. Beth is leery of Sara’s husband, and when he is kidnapped, authorities consider Beth their prime suspect.
Then, their small town of Seagrove Village is rocked by an act of terrorism, and Beth doesn’t know who to trust. Someone she knows is linked to the attack, but who? Is there a connection to Crossroads Crisis Center? In the midst of the confusion and fear, Beth finds herself attracted to a man from her past. She knows she shouldn’t fall in love with him, but she can’t resist or even explain their bond. As her world unravels around her, she wonders, is it possible to be beyond redemption?
For more information about Not This Time you can visit Vicki Hinze's website, or "Like" her on Facebook.
Purchase a copy of Not This Time from my Amazon store.
My Review
I loved this book. There was so much going on that the story just flew by. There was drama, suspense, mystery, romance, it had so much too it.
The characters were pretty good. Sara reminded me of myself a bit. She was so loyal to her friend Beth that she would have done anything to protect her. She didn't have the best idea, but she was doing what she thought she had to do to keep those around her safe. I wish she reminded me of myself because she was rich - but we can all dream right? Beth was also loyal, but seemed to have a much stronger support group around her. She was able to deal with things, but also checked with her friends to get their advice on what she should do. The two seemed to have the kind of friendship that everyone wants. Even with Beth's doubts about Sara's husband Beth is able to keep their friendship strong without pushing Sara away by voicing her displeasure with Sara's husband. I don't know that I would have been able to keep my mouth shut that long, but somehow Beth does it. She lets her need to be Sara's friend over ride her despise for Robert.
The story is the second in a series, and I didn't get to read the first one. However, this was so well written that all of the back story was filled in and I didn't feel like the author was just throwing information at me. Everything had a reason, and as the need for a particular fact arose Hinze wove it into the story beautifully. I still would like to read the fist one, but I don't feel like I was "missing" anything from the first book.
It's a pretty quick read. The mystery of Nina and who in the small circle of characters is part of Nina was exciting to try and figure out. Just when you think you've got it all figured out there's another clue that kind of throws everything off. It doesn't take a complete turn, but it give the story a bit of a jog. Just enough to keep it exciting without being frustrating! There's a few things that I didn't see coming but they were by no means so far out of the park that they didn't fit the story. I was masterfully put together!
My favorite thing about this book is that although there was quite a bit going on it wasn't a confusing story. I didn't have to re-read any of it and it didn't take much to keep myself on track. I was able to keep up with everything - which can sometimes be a problem in a book that has so much going on!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Giveaway: 2 Amazon Gift Cards $100 & $50 Ends 7/20

Storm of Desire
Corporate attorney Samantha Greco needs some peace and quiet to come to a decision about her career. Instead, while an icy nor’easter rages outside, she finds herself trapped in a cottage on Fenwick Island with Aiden Rourke, a man she used five years ago when she ran from the heartbreak of her fiancé’s betrayal.Aiden Rourke has loved Sam for years. For one glorious night she was his. But then she fled, wounding his ego and his heart. Thrown together again, they soon discover time hasn’t diminished their fiery passion for each other. Only Aiden has ever been able to melt Sam with just a look or a touch. But the fear that she’s like her mother, who used men mercilessly, scares Sam to death.
Read More.. Purchase on Amazon Here (FREE July 6)
Toni went from being a doctor, to the lover of a god in an instant. Remembering who she was, she's now torn between her past self and her current love. Ben is stunned when Toni leaves and at the arrival of his long lost love, Catherine, but her arrival doesn't eradicate Toni from his mind. Unlikely allies will team up to get Toni back from the Lord of the Underworld, Hades, but it's not Hades they need to worry about.Purchase on Amazon HERE
Living Sensitive (Book 1 of the Delia Rhodes series)
In the small town of Willow Eve, Arkansas, feisty bartender, Delia Rhodes, lives a pretty normal life; if you consider having a ghost for a roommate, pixies as best friends and being one of the rarest hybrids to exist, normal. Her life is turned upside down when someone or something begins kidnapping pixies and she is forced to find out who is behind it and why. If that wasn’t enough for her to deal with, Delia meets a delicious vampire hybrid with a very important event coming up; his registration. Will he survive? Will Delia solve the kidnappings or get dragged into the middle of something much deeper?Purchase on Amazon HERE
Living Soul (Veiled Series)
Veiled from her previous existence as a gifted Angel, Tess is now a mere mortal growing up in foster care with her autistic foster brother, Dorian, and a twisted foster sister, Agatha—whose main goal in life is to torture them both.Tess’ life has been dull and average at best; but all that changes with one look. When she inadvertently gazes into the eyes of the most popular guy in school—Alex Preston—Tess sees a glimpse of her previous existence.
Uncomprehending, Tess, wonders what those memories are and why she now feels like she knows Alex better than anyone in this world. More importantly, why is he haunting her dreams? Dreams so vivid, that they blur the lines of reality, awakening a slew of inexplicable paranormal abilities she didn’t know she possessed. Read more and Purchase on Amazon HERE
Hunter Moon (Lupine Series)
Bawling cattle tore Shelby Flint from her bed. With lawyer fees to pay in her struggle to keep her ranch from the clutches of her greedy cousins, she couldn’t afford the loss of even one calf. When she sees a large wolf circling her cows, she aims and fires. While the wolf escapes, Shelby can’t seem to get away from her troubles when a marijuana grower sets up shop on her land, sabotaging her property and eventually coming after her. Adding to that, a handsome game warden is poking his nose into her business and working his way underneath her skin. Shelby will have to fight harder than she ever fought before to keep from losing her heart and everything she ever lovedPurchase on Amazon HERE
Broken Wings (Soul Searchers #1)
Rio Laraquette thought the legend was nothing more than an enchanted tale about star-crossed lovers who left behind a fortune. That is, until she figures out that she—in a past life—was the culprit who stole a shipment of gold and silver and buried it somewhere in the hills of northern Nevada.While searching for the treasure, Rio's heart begins to ache for a man who's been dead more than one hundred years. They say time heals all wounds, but what if it doesn't...?
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All the Blue-Eyed Angels (Erin Solomon Mysteries, #1)
"On my tenth birthday, I am baptized by fire."So begins Erin Solomon’s story, on a remote island in Maine where the Payson Church and thirty-four of its members have just burned. When the smoke clears, only Erin and her father remain. The police rule the tragedy mass suicide, but Erin knows the truth: no one in the Church wanted to die. She just isn’t sure how much her father had to do with their deaths.
More than twenty years later, Erin is an investigative journalist still burdened with her father’s secrets. When she receives incontrovertible evidence that the Payson congregation was murdered, she can no longer hide from the truth. She returns to her hometown only to find an intricate conspiracy involving her parents, .... Read More and Purchase on Amazon HERE
Cheyenne (Timeless #1)
Murder, romance, secrets and hidden pasts. Deception from every angle—who's telling the truth?Cheyenne Wilson's life is thrown into turmoil after her adoptive parents are killed in an accident. With only her best friend Colt to comfort her, she scours through the family archives, hoping to quell her grief. Instead she begins to unravel the mystery behind her birth parents, and her secret heritage. She is a Timeless- a being that ages one year for every hundred human years when they reach their twenties- and of the royal line, destined to gain great power.
But Cheyenne has other problems. The ones who killed her parents want her too, and Colt is hiding something of his own. Surrounded by danger and with few she can trust, Cheyenne must face the dark truth of her past, and choose between a forbidden love that will forever hold her heart, or her destiny... Purchase on Amazon HERE
Promises (Timeless #2)
Cheyenne is determined to seek the light of truth in a web of darkness, but at what cost?Still reeling from the revelations of her secret birthright and fated betrothals, Cheyenne's thoughts tumble over the whirlwind of life since the death of her parents. Vowing to close herself off to spare her heart more pain, she keeps her distance and seeks her own path. But Colt, Daniel and Callon are constantly at her side, not giving her room to breathe or let her come to terms with her destiny. At the same time, her transformation into a Timeless begins; a process that could very well kill her. As if that wasn't enough, her enemies are still out for her blood, and no-where is safe. Though new allies appear to protect her from the unseen dangers, which ones are friend and which are foe?
And can Cheyenne stand the ultimate pain of all… Purchase on Amazon HERE
Finding Alice (Alice Clark #1)
Cursed with an intense version of empathy Alice runs from a wasted life to start a new one somewhere no one will know her; Hell, Michigan. Alice works at a hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of nowhere mostly keeping to herself to avoid the overwhelming emotions of those around her. Alice allows her best friend to convince her into taking a few college classes without realizing it would drastically change her life forever. From her first day of class she was hooked on him; his scent, his eyes, the way he talked to her inside her head.Throughout her struggles she learns about true love, true pain and the truth of her own heritage. Alice must quickly find out who she is because after all everyone else is out to find her. With Angels and Bounty Hunter’s in constant pursuit she finds protection within a group of Fallen Angels. These Fallen Angels vow to do anything to protect her; for it is their belief she will save their kind and all of mankind. Purchase on Amazon HERE
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Thursday, July 5, 2012
Review: Passages by Brian Hardin
Thanks to Litfuse for letting me be a part of this blog tour. For more information on the tour you can check out the tour schedule.

About the Book
Through his own story and the remarkable experiences of others, Hardin inspires believers to read the Bible for the adventure it is. In "Passages," he answers questions about reading Scripture, encourages readers with practical ideas, and shows that reading the Bible every day will change one's life.
For more information about Passages you can visit Brian Hardin's website, like him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter. You can also get more information about Brian Hardin's Daily Audio Bible Project.
As always you can purchase a copy of Passages from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I have a very "sketchy" background with religion. So my understanding of the Bible is virtually non-existent. But I'm getting to a point in my life where I'm ready to start understanding and building a relationship with God through the Bible. I'm not going to go into any of the details about my background, but I do feel I should let you know that about a week before I received the invitation to do this book tour I had started looking for a Bible and was ready to start reading it. So this book couldn't have come into my life at a better time. My review is going to focus on this book, but I do want to mention that the schedule to read the Bible within a year given in the back has been a great guidance for me. It's put together in such a way that makes it not so overwhelming to read the Bible. I've been following it for a few weeks now and I have to say I really like the way it breaks things up. If I got nothing else out of this book, I got that.
Brian Hardin has put together the Daily Audio Bible in which he follows the schedule from the book and reads the Bible through a podcast. This book focuses on how he started the Daily Audio Bible and how his life (and others) has changed from having the Bible as part of their lives everyday.
He uses a little humor, a little emotion, and a lot of experience to explain how reading the Bible everyday can make a difference in our lives. It's not a book that just says "go read the Bible because I said so". It's more along the lines of "when you're ready to make a commitment to the Bible here's a good way to do it. And if you don't think you're ready for that commitment here's reasons why you might decide to change your mind." It wasn't pushy, it was just him telling his story and sharing his experiences with the Bible in his life.
I think my favorite parts are where he shares a message from one of the people who belong to the Daily Audio Bible community. They all give a different reason for starting to read the Bible, and yet the results are all the same, they've changed on a spiritual level. It's very inspiring to say the least.
I really liked his presentation and I am glad that I was able to read this one. It's given me a focus and direction on something I was ready to do anyway. Hardin is able to share his experience in ways that make sense to me. He has the ability to get on paper what is going on in his head without it being confusing. Being a reviewer I know how hard it can be to get the words you want to materialize, and so I respect that ability.
Overall a really good book that left me chomping at the bit to get to my Bible each time I picked it up.

About the Book
Through his own story and the remarkable experiences of others, Hardin inspires believers to read the Bible for the adventure it is. In "Passages," he answers questions about reading Scripture, encourages readers with practical ideas, and shows that reading the Bible every day will change one's life.
For more information about Passages you can visit Brian Hardin's website, like him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter. You can also get more information about Brian Hardin's Daily Audio Bible Project.
As always you can purchase a copy of Passages from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I have a very "sketchy" background with religion. So my understanding of the Bible is virtually non-existent. But I'm getting to a point in my life where I'm ready to start understanding and building a relationship with God through the Bible. I'm not going to go into any of the details about my background, but I do feel I should let you know that about a week before I received the invitation to do this book tour I had started looking for a Bible and was ready to start reading it. So this book couldn't have come into my life at a better time. My review is going to focus on this book, but I do want to mention that the schedule to read the Bible within a year given in the back has been a great guidance for me. It's put together in such a way that makes it not so overwhelming to read the Bible. I've been following it for a few weeks now and I have to say I really like the way it breaks things up. If I got nothing else out of this book, I got that.
Brian Hardin has put together the Daily Audio Bible in which he follows the schedule from the book and reads the Bible through a podcast. This book focuses on how he started the Daily Audio Bible and how his life (and others) has changed from having the Bible as part of their lives everyday.
He uses a little humor, a little emotion, and a lot of experience to explain how reading the Bible everyday can make a difference in our lives. It's not a book that just says "go read the Bible because I said so". It's more along the lines of "when you're ready to make a commitment to the Bible here's a good way to do it. And if you don't think you're ready for that commitment here's reasons why you might decide to change your mind." It wasn't pushy, it was just him telling his story and sharing his experiences with the Bible in his life.
I think my favorite parts are where he shares a message from one of the people who belong to the Daily Audio Bible community. They all give a different reason for starting to read the Bible, and yet the results are all the same, they've changed on a spiritual level. It's very inspiring to say the least.
I really liked his presentation and I am glad that I was able to read this one. It's given me a focus and direction on something I was ready to do anyway. Hardin is able to share his experience in ways that make sense to me. He has the ability to get on paper what is going on in his head without it being confusing. Being a reviewer I know how hard it can be to get the words you want to materialize, and so I respect that ability.
Overall a really good book that left me chomping at the bit to get to my Bible each time I picked it up.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Blogger Opportunity: Kindle Fire Giveaway
Thanks to Jenn's Blah Blah Blog for this wonderful opportunity! All the details are below. If you want to sign up just go here - and make sure you let them know Just Jennifer Reading sent you!
Wonderful Free Blogger Opportunity!
Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog and Diva Fabulosa would love for you to join them in the Sizzling Summer Giveaway!
Sizzling Summer Kindle Fire/PayPal Cash Giveaway! This event will run from July 20th until Aug 18. We may get started a day or two later. Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog will be going to Las Vegas, for a much needed vacation.
This event is open worldwide!
Giveaway prize includes:
- $200 Amazon Kindle Fire or
- $200 Amazon Gift Card or
- $200 Paypal Cash
I am leaving the prize up to the winner, we realize that so many people already have a Kindle Fire, so we want everyone to be happy! Don’t want the Kindle Fire, take an Amazon Gift Card, if that doesn’t work there’s the PayPal Cash option up to $200! That’s the best way to do it right? Leave it up to the winner! Anyway lets get to it!
What you get!
If you are interested in joining us for this wonderful event you’ll receive 1 Facebook link on the Rafflecopter or Giveaway Tool FREE!
If you would like additional links there will be a fee of $2 per link. Any money collected from people buying additional links will go to a second prize! The more links everyone buys the better the 2nd prize will be for our readers!
If you wish to receive a free Facebook link on the Rafflecopter we ask that you blog about this event, the more people we get to sign up the better the event will be for us and our readers!
Giveaway: Kiss the Darkness by Robert Wacaster ebook
The author of Kiss the Darkness, Robert Wacaster, is giving away a .pdf copy of his book to one lucky Just Jennifer Reading fan! How awesome is that?

About the Book:
Sergeant Robert Vekesser is blinded by a mortar blast on Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. After arriving at a small rehab hospital in Germany, registered nurse Lieutenant Holly Winters is drawn to him. Dealing with Robert’s new handicap isn’t easy, and both Holly and Robert take an emotional journey as they learn to deal with his loss of sight and the nightmares he begins to have. Sharing a hospital room with two other wounded men, Robert learns to cope as best he can with Holly at his side. When the inevitable transfer comes through for Robert to be sent stateside, will he and Holly be able to let each other go after falling in love? Only time will tell.
You can read my review here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Book:
Sergeant Robert Vekesser is blinded by a mortar blast on Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. After arriving at a small rehab hospital in Germany, registered nurse Lieutenant Holly Winters is drawn to him. Dealing with Robert’s new handicap isn’t easy, and both Holly and Robert take an emotional journey as they learn to deal with his loss of sight and the nightmares he begins to have. Sharing a hospital room with two other wounded men, Robert learns to cope as best he can with Holly at his side. When the inevitable transfer comes through for Robert to be sent stateside, will he and Holly be able to let each other go after falling in love? Only time will tell.
You can read my review here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, July 2, 2012
Review: Kiss the Darkness by Robert Wacaster
Thanks to Robert Wacaster for sending me his book to read.

About the Book
Sergeant Robert Vekesser is blinded by a mortar blast on Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. After arriving at a small rehab hospital in Germany, registered nurse Lieutenant Holly Winters is drawn to him. Dealing with Robert’s new handicap isn’t easy, and both Holly and Robert take an emotional journey as they learn to deal with his loss of sight and the nightmares he begins to have. Sharing a hospital room with two other wounded men, Robert learns to cope as best he can with Holly at his side. When the inevitable transfer comes through for Robert to be sent stateside, will he and Holly be able to let each other go after falling in love? Only time will tell.
As always you can purchase a copy of Kiss the Darkness from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I have to admit that I love Robert Wacaster's books. I've read a few of them now and they are all pretty good. Plus he's one of the first authors that sent me books to review here on Just Jennifer Reading, so I might be a bit biased. But I do have to say that this is probably the best book of his that I've read thus far.
The story is one that I can't imagine having to go through. Robert is injured in Afghanistan and looses his sight. But while in the hospital he meets Holly a nurse. As Robert is recuperating Holly is by his side helping him get through the anguish of learning he may never see again, as well as the mental turmoil that he goes through from his experiences.
I liked Holly she was very strong and knew what she wanted. It didn't matter to her what it took to get it, she was going to bust down every obstacle in her way. She thought with her heart, and that's what made her so determined. But she was also very intelligent. She knew that certain obstacles needed to be coerced, rather
than broken down, and had the smarts to be able to get through those obstacles also. Robert was a very sweet guy. He seemed like a bit teddy bear, lovable when he needed to be but fierce and protective when those he loved were in danger.
The story was pretty fast paced. There wasn't much down time. Things just kept happening, but not so fast in a wear you out to read it kind of way. Just enough to keep the story on an even keel. Overall another great book by Robert Wacaster!

About the Book
Sergeant Robert Vekesser is blinded by a mortar blast on Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. After arriving at a small rehab hospital in Germany, registered nurse Lieutenant Holly Winters is drawn to him. Dealing with Robert’s new handicap isn’t easy, and both Holly and Robert take an emotional journey as they learn to deal with his loss of sight and the nightmares he begins to have. Sharing a hospital room with two other wounded men, Robert learns to cope as best he can with Holly at his side. When the inevitable transfer comes through for Robert to be sent stateside, will he and Holly be able to let each other go after falling in love? Only time will tell.
As always you can purchase a copy of Kiss the Darkness from my Amazon Store.
My Review
I have to admit that I love Robert Wacaster's books. I've read a few of them now and they are all pretty good. Plus he's one of the first authors that sent me books to review here on Just Jennifer Reading, so I might be a bit biased. But I do have to say that this is probably the best book of his that I've read thus far.
The story is one that I can't imagine having to go through. Robert is injured in Afghanistan and looses his sight. But while in the hospital he meets Holly a nurse. As Robert is recuperating Holly is by his side helping him get through the anguish of learning he may never see again, as well as the mental turmoil that he goes through from his experiences.
I liked Holly she was very strong and knew what she wanted. It didn't matter to her what it took to get it, she was going to bust down every obstacle in her way. She thought with her heart, and that's what made her so determined. But she was also very intelligent. She knew that certain obstacles needed to be coerced, rather
than broken down, and had the smarts to be able to get through those obstacles also. Robert was a very sweet guy. He seemed like a bit teddy bear, lovable when he needed to be but fierce and protective when those he loved were in danger.
The story was pretty fast paced. There wasn't much down time. Things just kept happening, but not so fast in a wear you out to read it kind of way. Just enough to keep the story on an even keel. Overall another great book by Robert Wacaster!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
What I Want to Read: Lucrezia Borgia
So my "I want to read that" list is so long that I'll likely never get through it - as it grows daily... But there are some on my wish list that I really want to read. Hopefully I'll have a chance to get to the "important" ones some day, but until then they sit on my Amazon wish list waiting for me to pick them!
This week's What I Want to Read: Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love, and Death in Renaissance Italy

Why I want to read this:
I've been captivated by The Borgias on Showtime since the first episode. The second season ended a few weeks ago, if you've not watched the show I highly recommend it. But beware it is a mature audiences only show. Murder, sex, violence, and that's just the first 10 minuets... It's just one of those shows I can't stop watching. I watched every episode when it came on, and then through the week I'd usually watch that week's episode once or twice more. It's also available for instant streaming from my cable company, so if I have an hour with nothing to do I've been known to rewatch an episode or two.
I never really took any history classes that weren't required of me, and for those that were required I stuck to American history. I like history now, but as a teenager I didn't find history exciting. It was just a lot of "facts" to memorize and that's not how I learn. So when this show came on I had no idea who The Borgias were and why they were important enough for a television show. Now that I've been living with them for two years I've started to do some research and that whole family is just so enthralling to me. I don't understand how they could be so powerful - in the church even, and be so dishonest, deceitful, disloyal, and just all around pretty horrible people. Lucrezia seems to be a fairly influential member of the family and I think my "in depth" Borgia research should start with her.
Have you ever done any research on The Borgias, if so what was most facinating/disturbing/horrifying thing you learned about the family?
So what's on your wish list this week?
I never really took any history classes that weren't required of me, and for those that were required I stuck to American history. I like history now, but as a teenager I didn't find history exciting. It was just a lot of "facts" to memorize and that's not how I learn. So when this show came on I had no idea who The Borgias were and why they were important enough for a television show. Now that I've been living with them for two years I've started to do some research and that whole family is just so enthralling to me. I don't understand how they could be so powerful - in the church even, and be so dishonest, deceitful, disloyal, and just all around pretty horrible people. Lucrezia seems to be a fairly influential member of the family and I think my "in depth" Borgia research should start with her.
Have you ever done any research on The Borgias, if so what was most facinating/disturbing/horrifying thing you learned about the family?
So what's on your wish list this week?
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Review: The Sara Chronicles Book Three: The Return
Thanks to Reader Spoils and the author for letting me review this one.

About the Book
Braccus had invaded Sara's mind to destroy her.
What he had failed to consider was, as he did so, he had also made himself vulnerable to her...
A golden-haired girl named Sara lies in a deep sleep. It has been four years since the evil Braccus entered her mind, making it impossible to communicate with her friends without pain and nausea; worse, she was absorbing the powers of other children when she came in contact with them. Sara had been afraid and alone when Olie, her good friend and mentor, stepped in to ease her suffering with a sleeping spell.
Many changes have occurred while Sara has been comatose. Some of the members of her small, gifted group of friends-drawn together by their special abilities-have changed and, in some cases, moved on without her. Braccus is still causing trouble and attempting to gain control of the worlds, but Sara has become more powerful and unpredictable while in her sleep state. What powers will she wield when she awakes, and how will Sara deal with becoming a young woman left behind by the world she knew?
For more information about The Sara Chronicles: Book Three please visit L. Hughes' blog.
As always you can purchase a copy of The Sara Chronicles from my Amazon Store.
My Review
This book picks up shortly after book two. Sara's in a "coma" until they can figure out how to wake her without harming her and trying to release Braccus' hold on her spirit. Her friends have continued to grow up and strengthen their abilities all the while their friend sleeps without knowledge that the world around her has gone on without her.
As Sara is in her sleep-like state we're taken into her mind to see where she has been spending her time. The world created for her by her friends is beautiful and full of mystery but Braccus is still in her mind and as she explores this world Braccus' control makes it a bit scary too. It's a true representation that good and evil are all around us. Even in the most beautiful places there is still evil lurking waiting for the moment to strike.
Sara becomes a bit unpredictable in this book. As the story progresses she's doing things that she normally wouldn't do and having feelings that are irregular for her. Most of this stems from the fact that she's been gone for so long that even though she's changed physically her mind is still where it was when she was put into her slumber. The way Sara deals with all these changes is pretty normal. I can't imagine the emotions that I would experience upon waking up after so long. I think Sara handles herself quite well given all the changes that have occurred with her friends and her world.
This book was written very well. The world created by Hughes both in Sara's mind and the world she returns to are beautiful. The ugliness of Braccus' creatures is described so well that the contrast between the beauty of the world around them is quite vivid. I had a much better picture of this world and all its faucets reading this book than I did with book two. While it's still the same story, the same characters, and the same locations I had a much better connection with this book than with the last one. It's as if the story progressed the ideas Hughes wanted to share were much more concise. I didn't feel as if I was missing anything. And the dialogue was much better with this book.
I'm very drawn into this series now. The characters, new and old, have a place in my life now and I can't wait to see how their journey ends. What I like most about these books is that they've both ended with some finality, but yet there's so much left unanswered that I can't wait to get my hands on the next one to see where the story is going to go.

About the Book
Braccus had invaded Sara's mind to destroy her.
What he had failed to consider was, as he did so, he had also made himself vulnerable to her...
A golden-haired girl named Sara lies in a deep sleep. It has been four years since the evil Braccus entered her mind, making it impossible to communicate with her friends without pain and nausea; worse, she was absorbing the powers of other children when she came in contact with them. Sara had been afraid and alone when Olie, her good friend and mentor, stepped in to ease her suffering with a sleeping spell.
Many changes have occurred while Sara has been comatose. Some of the members of her small, gifted group of friends-drawn together by their special abilities-have changed and, in some cases, moved on without her. Braccus is still causing trouble and attempting to gain control of the worlds, but Sara has become more powerful and unpredictable while in her sleep state. What powers will she wield when she awakes, and how will Sara deal with becoming a young woman left behind by the world she knew?
For more information about The Sara Chronicles: Book Three please visit L. Hughes' blog.
As always you can purchase a copy of The Sara Chronicles from my Amazon Store.
My Review
This book picks up shortly after book two. Sara's in a "coma" until they can figure out how to wake her without harming her and trying to release Braccus' hold on her spirit. Her friends have continued to grow up and strengthen their abilities all the while their friend sleeps without knowledge that the world around her has gone on without her.
As Sara is in her sleep-like state we're taken into her mind to see where she has been spending her time. The world created for her by her friends is beautiful and full of mystery but Braccus is still in her mind and as she explores this world Braccus' control makes it a bit scary too. It's a true representation that good and evil are all around us. Even in the most beautiful places there is still evil lurking waiting for the moment to strike.
Sara becomes a bit unpredictable in this book. As the story progresses she's doing things that she normally wouldn't do and having feelings that are irregular for her. Most of this stems from the fact that she's been gone for so long that even though she's changed physically her mind is still where it was when she was put into her slumber. The way Sara deals with all these changes is pretty normal. I can't imagine the emotions that I would experience upon waking up after so long. I think Sara handles herself quite well given all the changes that have occurred with her friends and her world.
This book was written very well. The world created by Hughes both in Sara's mind and the world she returns to are beautiful. The ugliness of Braccus' creatures is described so well that the contrast between the beauty of the world around them is quite vivid. I had a much better picture of this world and all its faucets reading this book than I did with book two. While it's still the same story, the same characters, and the same locations I had a much better connection with this book than with the last one. It's as if the story progressed the ideas Hughes wanted to share were much more concise. I didn't feel as if I was missing anything. And the dialogue was much better with this book.
I'm very drawn into this series now. The characters, new and old, have a place in my life now and I can't wait to see how their journey ends. What I like most about these books is that they've both ended with some finality, but yet there's so much left unanswered that I can't wait to get my hands on the next one to see where the story is going to go.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Literature In the News: Precious Stolen Book Recovered
Here's the article: Swedes Find Stolen Atlas in New York
There are a few things about this article that I felt the need to share. First off, most librarians I know of are passionate about literature and preserving the written word. So for a librarian to be the person responsible for stealing rare and historical publications just seems to be so wrong on so many more levels than simply that of stealing. Even if the person(s) he was selling these publications to was avid about preserving literature: having them in a library - accessible to the general public - rather than in a personal collection is a much better way of preserving literature. So shame on the librarian and shame on the buyer for taking something so rare and precious away from the general public.
Then for him to kill himself is just crazy. Not only did he kill himself, but he could have killed other people given that his chosen method involved cutting a gas line that blew up part of his apartment building. I can't imagine ever wanting to kill myself and theft seems to be such a minor offense - at least not worth the taking of a life. But I'm guessing he was pushed into stealing these books, I don't think he just woke up one day and decided I'm going to steal from the library. So maybe he was is much worse trouble with people much worse than the Swedish government.... Who knows - that's a part of the story he unfortunately took with him.
The silver lining to all of this is that now that this book has surfaced maybe more of these precious publications can be returned to their rightful place. The man who purchased the atlas from Sotheby's was refunded his money and Sotheby's returned the atlas to the Royal Library. Yeah to Sotheby's for doing the right thing. But it seems as if a ball was dropped somewhere once the librarian took his life. A list of the stolen books was never published (during the beginning of the investigation - one is out now.) How could anyone know they were selling/purchasing a stolen book if the book was never reported stolen?!?!?!?
This story is kind of sad. It makes me wonder what was going on in that man's life. And how did this go unnoticed for so long? Libraries and the wonderful pieces of history they contain are (in my opinion) one of the greatest assets we have. Stealing books from a library is like removing a piece of history. I wish he would have been caught sooner and I hope that now a published list of stolen items is available these books will be returned. I understand wanting a special book to add to your collection (not that any of mine are worth as much as this atlas, or anywhere near as rare) but to keep something like this for yourself and not let it be shared for all to access and learn from is kind of disheartening.
What do you think about this? Is it a big deal or am I getting worked up over something insignificant?
![]() |
Photo from: New York Times |
There are a few things about this article that I felt the need to share. First off, most librarians I know of are passionate about literature and preserving the written word. So for a librarian to be the person responsible for stealing rare and historical publications just seems to be so wrong on so many more levels than simply that of stealing. Even if the person(s) he was selling these publications to was avid about preserving literature: having them in a library - accessible to the general public - rather than in a personal collection is a much better way of preserving literature. So shame on the librarian and shame on the buyer for taking something so rare and precious away from the general public.
Then for him to kill himself is just crazy. Not only did he kill himself, but he could have killed other people given that his chosen method involved cutting a gas line that blew up part of his apartment building. I can't imagine ever wanting to kill myself and theft seems to be such a minor offense - at least not worth the taking of a life. But I'm guessing he was pushed into stealing these books, I don't think he just woke up one day and decided I'm going to steal from the library. So maybe he was is much worse trouble with people much worse than the Swedish government.... Who knows - that's a part of the story he unfortunately took with him.
The silver lining to all of this is that now that this book has surfaced maybe more of these precious publications can be returned to their rightful place. The man who purchased the atlas from Sotheby's was refunded his money and Sotheby's returned the atlas to the Royal Library. Yeah to Sotheby's for doing the right thing. But it seems as if a ball was dropped somewhere once the librarian took his life. A list of the stolen books was never published (during the beginning of the investigation - one is out now.) How could anyone know they were selling/purchasing a stolen book if the book was never reported stolen?!?!?!?
This story is kind of sad. It makes me wonder what was going on in that man's life. And how did this go unnoticed for so long? Libraries and the wonderful pieces of history they contain are (in my opinion) one of the greatest assets we have. Stealing books from a library is like removing a piece of history. I wish he would have been caught sooner and I hope that now a published list of stolen items is available these books will be returned. I understand wanting a special book to add to your collection (not that any of mine are worth as much as this atlas, or anywhere near as rare) but to keep something like this for yourself and not let it be shared for all to access and learn from is kind of disheartening.
What do you think about this? Is it a big deal or am I getting worked up over something insignificant?
Review: Night of the Living Dead Christian by Matt Mikalatos
Thanks to Tyndale Blog Network for letting me review this book.

About the Book
As Christians, believers claim to experience Christ's resurrection power, but they sometimes act like werewolves who can't control their base desires. Yet through it all, they are longing to become fully human, the way Christ intended. "Night of the Living Dead Christian" is the story of a werewolf desperate to find someone who can help him conquer his inner beast before it's too late.

About the Book
As Christians, believers claim to experience Christ's resurrection power, but they sometimes act like werewolves who can't control their base desires. Yet through it all, they are longing to become fully human, the way Christ intended. "Night of the Living Dead Christian" is the story of a werewolf desperate to find someone who can help him conquer his inner beast before it's too late.
For more information about Night of the Living Dead Christian please visit Matt Mikalatos' website or visit his Facebook page.
You can also purchase a copy of Night of the Living Dead Christian from my Amazon Store.
My Review
This book was pretty good. My favorite thing about it was how humorous it was. There were so many great puns, one-liners, and just general humor that even if the story had been bad it would have still been entertaining. And the fact that the story was good made the humor an even bigger plus!
The story deals with monsters - zombies, werewolves, vampires, the whole kit and kaboodle. Which may not seem "right" in christian fiction, but it worked so well. As the story progresses we meet so many great characters. Each one is a bit quirky and even more unique than the last. There are monsters who don't want to be monsters, people trying to kill monsters, people who are unaware of the monsters, and people who are just trying to stay out of the way of the monsters.
What I got from this story is that no one is perfect. We all have faults, but God loves us anyway. Even trying to live a good life we're going to falter, and that's ok. As long as we understand our relationship with God we will still live in his graces.
Overall a pretty good book. Very entertaining and a good message!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Giveaway: Choose which book you want to win
Here's another great giveaway from SaraLee's Deals and Steals!
This Giveaway is done by SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways
More Confessions shares
the raw and honest feelings of emergency service professionals through true
'story behind the story' revelations. Disclosing experiences from both sides of
the gurney, Sherry and other EMS, ER, paramilitary, and firefighter responders
walk you along their fragile line of sanity. Using humor as a life raft during
perfect storms, workers reflect upon how they endure and survive personal and
professional tragedy while trying not to care too much, and what happens when
they fail in that attempt. A graduate student in psychology, Sherry is a
paramedic, trauma nurse, and crisis interventionist who led a national
paramilitary crisis response team and continues conducting crisis management
training throughout the U.S.
More than 200,000 tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies will be performed on
children this year. Will you be ready?
The new 2nd Edition of this
bestselling book helps parents understand and organize the necessary medical and
emotional components that accompany their child's surgery. In an easy to follow
timeline for events prior to and following a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy, the
author provides reassuring and accurate guidance that eases the process for the
patient and family. Parents with this book will:
Get the facts about tonsils and adenoids in simple terms
Reduce your own anxiety about surgery
Learn how to support your child through the medical and emotional events
surrounding the procedure
Take away the mystery regarding what to say to your child
Discover the sequence of events leading up to surgery and how to prepare for
Find out what you need to have at home while your child recuperates
Become confident in knowing that you have maximized your child's comfort and
adjustment during the weeks surrounding surgery
Recognize symptoms of possible complications and take action
This Giveaway is done by SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways
Thank to Modern History Press I am able to bring you this giveaway. Three people will get to win their choice of book from the options below:
More True Stories from EMS and the ERMore Confessions shares
the raw and honest feelings of emergency service professionals through true
'story behind the story' revelations. Disclosing experiences from both sides of
the gurney, Sherry and other EMS, ER, paramilitary, and firefighter responders
walk you along their fragile line of sanity. Using humor as a life raft during
perfect storms, workers reflect upon how they endure and survive personal and
professional tragedy while trying not to care too much, and what happens when
they fail in that attempt. A graduate student in psychology, Sherry is a
paramedic, trauma nurse, and crisis interventionist who led a national
paramilitary crisis response team and continues conducting crisis management
training throughout the U.S.
More than 200,000 tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies will be performed on
children this year. Will you be ready?
The new 2nd Edition of this
bestselling book helps parents understand and organize the necessary medical and
emotional components that accompany their child's surgery. In an easy to follow
timeline for events prior to and following a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy, the
author provides reassuring and accurate guidance that eases the process for the
patient and family. Parents with this book will:
surrounding the procedure
adjustment during the weeks surrounding surgery
Child Protection Services have been involved with Billy and his mother for some
time now. He has been happily settled in a kinship placement with his
grandmother and enjoys his pet cat, interacting with neighbors and even taking
piano lessons. As the story unfolds, Billy's grandmother has unexpectedly passed
away and so the story of Billy Had To Move begins.
Billy's mother cannot be located. Mr. Murphy, Billy's social worker, places him
in the foster home of Amy, Tim, and their baby "Colly." Billy experiences great
loss resulting not only from his grandmother's death, but also the loss of the
life he knew. Billy's inner journey therefore has also begun and with the help
of Ms. Woods, a Play Therapist, there is hope.
time now. He has been happily settled in a kinship placement with his
grandmother and enjoys his pet cat, interacting with neighbors and even taking
piano lessons. As the story unfolds, Billy's grandmother has unexpectedly passed
away and so the story of Billy Had To Move begins.
Billy's mother cannot be located. Mr. Murphy, Billy's social worker, places him
in the foster home of Amy, Tim, and their baby "Colly." Billy experiences great
loss resulting not only from his grandmother's death, but also the loss of the
life he knew. Billy's inner journey therefore has also begun and with the help
of Ms. Woods, a Play Therapist, there is hope.
Now for the giveaway: Three lucky people will win a copy of the book of their choice from the 3 options. Book can be Hard cover, Nook, Kindle, or Kobo. This is
open to the US, Canada & UK only and ends 7/011 @ 11:59 pm est. To enter,
simply do
the tasks on
the Rafflecopter widget below and you're set to have a chance to win! Complete all the entries listed to
better your chances to win.
a Rafflecopter giveawayopen to the US, Canada & UK only and ends 7/011 @ 11:59 pm est. To enter,
simply do
the tasks on
the Rafflecopter widget below and you're set to have a chance to win! Complete all the entries listed to
better your chances to win.
Closed: Giveaway: Hana-Lani by Christine Sunderland
Thanks to SaraLee's Deals and Steals for this great giveaway!
This Review & Giveaway is done by SaraLee's DealsSteals & Giveaways
Book Description:
Only opening their hearts will keep them from plunging into the dark
abyss. Old Nani-lei lives in Hana-lani, her family home in rural Hawaii.
She looks after her grandson Henry, 52, and his daughter Lucy, 6, who
have returned to Maui from Berkeley after the death of Maria, Henry's
wife. Henry and Maria, both professors, had been working on A History
of Ethics, and now the grieving Henry struggles to finish it. City girl
Meredith Campbell, 36, fast-paced, self-centered, and beautiful,
believes her body will ensure her happiness. After losing her job and
finding her lover unfaithful, she flies to Maui, sure he will
follow...but her plane crashes near Hana-lani. As their worlds collide
in a natural world both beautiful and dangerous, Henry will be forced to
act on his words, and Meredith will come face-to-face with her own life
choices. A poignant journey that unravels T.S. Eliot's "permanent
questions"- what is goodness, truth, and love? By the author of the
thought-provoking trilogy Pilgrimage, Offerings, and Inheritance.
About the Author:
Christine Thomas Sunderland (1947-), the daughter of a Presbyterian
pastor, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and came of age in the
tumultuous Vietnam war years. Her inspirational novels, set in the
present day, reflect the larger questions of our world today: What is
civilization? Why is our past important? How do we understand where we
are going? She is also fascinated with the interaction of matter and
spirit. Her trilogy explores the legacy of Western European culture:
Pilgrimage (OakTara, 2007), tells of a mother's search for healing of
body and soul in Italy; Offerings (OakTara, 2009) tells of a redemptive
journey through France (Bronze Medal winner in the Independent Publisher
Book Awards 2010); Inheritance (OakTara 2009) tells of a life-saving
trip through England. A fourth novel, Hana-lani (OakTara 2010), set in
Hana, Maui, is a love story about the role of family in American
culture. She is currently working on a mystery about Mary Magdalene set
in Rome and Provence.
Christine is Vice-President of the
American Church Union, the publishing house of the Anglican Province of
Christ the King. She has written numerous publications for children,
including the Jeanette Series, novellas set in France and San Francisco,
8+, and has edited the Anglican Confirmation Manual and The American
Church Union Church School Series (http://www.Anglicanpck.org/). She
lives in Northern California with her husband and two incredible cats.
Visit Christine's website at www.ChristineSunderland.com
My Take on the book:
I love reading books like these because they remind me of a Life Time movie. I got into the plot of the story and kept wanting to read more so I could get to good part lol I personally could relate to the characters in the story because my husband & I are two different people and a flat tire brought us together. This will be a good read for anyone who reads it.
Now for the Giveaway: One lucky reader will win a copy of "Hana Lani" by Christine Sunderland just by filling out
the Rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Review & Giveaway is done by SaraLee's DealsSteals & Giveaways
Book Description:
Only opening their hearts will keep them from plunging into the dark
abyss. Old Nani-lei lives in Hana-lani, her family home in rural Hawaii.
She looks after her grandson Henry, 52, and his daughter Lucy, 6, who
have returned to Maui from Berkeley after the death of Maria, Henry's
wife. Henry and Maria, both professors, had been working on A History
of Ethics, and now the grieving Henry struggles to finish it. City girl
Meredith Campbell, 36, fast-paced, self-centered, and beautiful,
believes her body will ensure her happiness. After losing her job and
finding her lover unfaithful, she flies to Maui, sure he will
follow...but her plane crashes near Hana-lani. As their worlds collide
in a natural world both beautiful and dangerous, Henry will be forced to
act on his words, and Meredith will come face-to-face with her own life
choices. A poignant journey that unravels T.S. Eliot's "permanent
questions"- what is goodness, truth, and love? By the author of the
thought-provoking trilogy Pilgrimage, Offerings, and Inheritance.
About the Author:
Christine Thomas Sunderland (1947-), the daughter of a Presbyterian
pastor, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and came of age in the
tumultuous Vietnam war years. Her inspirational novels, set in the
present day, reflect the larger questions of our world today: What is
civilization? Why is our past important? How do we understand where we
are going? She is also fascinated with the interaction of matter and
spirit. Her trilogy explores the legacy of Western European culture:
Pilgrimage (OakTara, 2007), tells of a mother's search for healing of
body and soul in Italy; Offerings (OakTara, 2009) tells of a redemptive
journey through France (Bronze Medal winner in the Independent Publisher
Book Awards 2010); Inheritance (OakTara 2009) tells of a life-saving
trip through England. A fourth novel, Hana-lani (OakTara 2010), set in
Hana, Maui, is a love story about the role of family in American
culture. She is currently working on a mystery about Mary Magdalene set
in Rome and Provence.
Christine is Vice-President of the
American Church Union, the publishing house of the Anglican Province of
Christ the King. She has written numerous publications for children,
including the Jeanette Series, novellas set in France and San Francisco,
8+, and has edited the Anglican Confirmation Manual and The American
Church Union Church School Series (http://www.Anglicanpck.org/). She
lives in Northern California with her husband and two incredible cats.
Visit Christine's website at www.ChristineSunderland.com
My Take on the book:
I love reading books like these because they remind me of a Life Time movie. I got into the plot of the story and kept wanting to read more so I could get to good part lol I personally could relate to the characters in the story because my husband & I are two different people and a flat tire brought us together. This will be a good read for anyone who reads it.
the Rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blogger Opportunity: 10 Book Group Giveaway!
Promotional Book Tours is looking for Bloggers for a 10 Book Group Giveaway!

The prizes will include a $100 GC and a $50 GC!
There is also a referral prize for the blogger who sends over the most new sign-ups - so PLEASE tell them Just Jennifer Reading sent you :-)
If you are interested in the giveaway just go here and fill out the form. It's that easy!

The prizes will include a $100 GC and a $50 GC!
There is also a referral prize for the blogger who sends over the most new sign-ups - so PLEASE tell them Just Jennifer Reading sent you :-)
If you are interested in the giveaway just go here and fill out the form. It's that easy!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Review & Giveaway: Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore
Thanks to LitFuse for letting me be a part of this awesome blog tour!

About the Book
Once you’ve seen, you can’t unsee. Everything changes when you’ve looked at the world through . . .
Brielle’s a ballerina who went to the city to chase her dreams and found tragedy instead. She’s come home to shabby little Stratus, Oregon, to live with her grief and her guilt . . . and the incredible, numbing cold she can’t seem to shake.
Jake’s the new guy at school. The boy next door with burning hands and an unbelievable gift that targets him for corruption.
Something more than fate has brought them together. An evil bigger than both of them lurks in the shadows nearby, hiding in plain sight. Two angels stand guard, unsure what’s going to happen. And a beauty brighter than Jake or Brielle has ever seen is calling them to join the battle in a realm where all human choices start.
A realm that only angels and demons—and Brielle—can perceive.
For more information about Angel Eyes please visit Shannon Dittemore's website. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy on my Amazon store.
My Review
Angel Eyes was a fascinating story. The premise that angels live among us - and also demons - wasn't anything new but the way Dittemore "twisted" it made it not just another "good vs. evil" novel. It was captivating right from the beginning. As we're brought into the story we know that something tragic has happened, but it takes a but for Brielle to let us in on what's going on. As her story unveils itself we're also introduced to Jake who keeps showing up when Brielle least expects it. As the story gets more involved things really start to heat up and it becomes a fast-paced, intriguing, action packed story. What starts as a saddened girl going home to bury her anger and her guilt turns into a powerful heroine who helps fight in a battle against the evil forces at work.
This was such a fresh perspective on angels and their roles in our lives. I loved the whole premise. Although it did take a bit for me to figure out what everyone's roles were going to be it was worth the wait. I can't say enough how much I liked this idea of Angel's and how they can be a part of our world and still be a part of the celestial world.
The writing was amazing. When Brielle looks into the celestial realm what she sees was described so well that I could picture every bit of it. And it was amazing. I could feel the power that surges through Brielle when she is looking at our world in a whole different light. And when Jake's touch warms Brielle I got goose bumps because I swore I could feel it too. Even with all the seriousness and intensity of the story there was a lighter side. There were so many great humorous references to pop culture that really made me giggle. They were interspersed throughout the whole story and really added to the book. It was lightening an otherwise very intense book.
This is the first book of a trilogy and I can not wait for the other two books. I think this is one that I will be able to read over and over again.

About the Book
Once you’ve seen, you can’t unsee. Everything changes when you’ve looked at the world through . . .
Brielle’s a ballerina who went to the city to chase her dreams and found tragedy instead. She’s come home to shabby little Stratus, Oregon, to live with her grief and her guilt . . . and the incredible, numbing cold she can’t seem to shake.
Jake’s the new guy at school. The boy next door with burning hands and an unbelievable gift that targets him for corruption.
Something more than fate has brought them together. An evil bigger than both of them lurks in the shadows nearby, hiding in plain sight. Two angels stand guard, unsure what’s going to happen. And a beauty brighter than Jake or Brielle has ever seen is calling them to join the battle in a realm where all human choices start.
A realm that only angels and demons—and Brielle—can perceive.
For more information about Angel Eyes please visit Shannon Dittemore's website. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.
As always you can purchase a copy on my Amazon store.
My Review
Angel Eyes was a fascinating story. The premise that angels live among us - and also demons - wasn't anything new but the way Dittemore "twisted" it made it not just another "good vs. evil" novel. It was captivating right from the beginning. As we're brought into the story we know that something tragic has happened, but it takes a but for Brielle to let us in on what's going on. As her story unveils itself we're also introduced to Jake who keeps showing up when Brielle least expects it. As the story gets more involved things really start to heat up and it becomes a fast-paced, intriguing, action packed story. What starts as a saddened girl going home to bury her anger and her guilt turns into a powerful heroine who helps fight in a battle against the evil forces at work.
This was such a fresh perspective on angels and their roles in our lives. I loved the whole premise. Although it did take a bit for me to figure out what everyone's roles were going to be it was worth the wait. I can't say enough how much I liked this idea of Angel's and how they can be a part of our world and still be a part of the celestial world.
The writing was amazing. When Brielle looks into the celestial realm what she sees was described so well that I could picture every bit of it. And it was amazing. I could feel the power that surges through Brielle when she is looking at our world in a whole different light. And when Jake's touch warms Brielle I got goose bumps because I swore I could feel it too. Even with all the seriousness and intensity of the story there was a lighter side. There were so many great humorous references to pop culture that really made me giggle. They were interspersed throughout the whole story and really added to the book. It was lightening an otherwise very intense book.
This is the first book of a trilogy and I can not wait for the other two books. I think this is one that I will be able to read over and over again.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Ended: Giveaway: Kindle Fire ends 7/13
I have to thank Literary Addicts for letting me be a part of this awesome giveaway! Maybe a Just Jennifer Reading reader will win!!! Good Luck - I'll have my fingers crossed for you all :-)

Grand Opening of Literary Addicts a Community for Book Lovers!
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All she wanted was a vacation - but Dumnos offered a new life.
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